Wednesday, December 29, 2021

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life........

I always liked the 'upbeatedness' of that song, but I never really paid attention to the lyrics. Certain you probably know (I didn't) the next line is:

"Never make a pretty woman your wife, so for my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.", that ain't it. Here.  Jump on, I'll give you a piggyback ride and mebbe point out some things that make me, and maybe you, happy.. warning.. you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a blog here.

I like watching parents.  They're like artists.  When they watch their kids and a smile ensues, it's as if they've taken a step back from the eisel and maybe offering a baby pat on their own back.  And then, when "uh oh" happens, the kiddo missteps, says something inappropriate, maybe starts to run across the street - whilst scary, to me it's wondrous to watch a parent teach, guide in the right direction, keep kiddos safe.

I love seeing a dog's head out the car window. It means the folks love that pooch so much, he/she really is considered  an integral part of the family.  I have to control myself though, cause I always get the itch to pull up next to 'em and say "Go get your ball!" And, yep, it makes me happy, and uh huh, it make the masters happy, but OH, does it make the hound dog happy - yesssiree!

A drive to nowhere to see God's artwork makes me happy.  With no disrespect to all the camera persons employed by Google Earth (you can't see it all from the laptop), nature is ever changing, ever wondrous. The colors, the wind, the sun, nature's seasons, the clouds above - it's a bonus if it happens to entail sunrise or sunset, that's when God does his finest work.

The moon. All up there by itself.  A beautiful thing, a happy thing. Me, this little speck down here, looking up, admiring, knowing that onea my friends from any part of the US could be doing the same thing, at the exact same time. Happy. (Of course humor makes one happy as well.. like when Tonto and Lone Ranger went camping.. they fell asleep.. hours later Tonto looks up, says "Kemo Sabe, look up, what you see?"  The Lone Ranger goes into a dissertation about 'millions of galaxies, billions of planets, Saturn is in Leo, the Lord is all powerful and we are small and insignificant, etc.. what's it tell you Tonto?"  "You dumber than buffalo turd, it mean someone stole our tent."  Humor, even attempts at, make me happy.

A little kid's sporting event. They've watched Lebron, Mike Trout, Simone Biles. They emulate. They get excited.  They excite.  After a nice play, a "WAY TO GO (enter snotnose name here)!!!" invokes happiness, even from the opponent's bleachers. Proud on any face, be it a kid, a parent, grandparent, neutral observer, invokes happy.

Folks who arrived on the planet before us. Maybe hand in hand. Maybe a hand holding an arm for assistance.. an opened car door, could even be a simple meeting of their eyes followed by a smile.  Old people rock.  Happy, even if mid-struggle. Old people make me happy.

Familiarity. It could be a car, a yard, a house, a hound, a song on the radio, a street, a ballfield, a school, an old friend, a young friend, something from our past that brings reminder happiness to our present. Memories are like chili in the fridge from last night's dinner. Tastes so great the first time, memories of, chowing down, virtually as good, mebbe even better, the second time.

Gone, but not really.  Loved ones, maybe no longer here on earth, but forever etched in our brain. 'Seeing' those faces again, bringing them back to life in our mind - what better.  Happy. Blessed to have been there when they were.

Courtesy. A door held, especially if it's like into a store where it means the person who got there first, is willing to offer their kindness, even if it means being in iine behind you. Kindness, when it means sacrificing one's personal time - oh how they were taught growing up.

Appreciation.  An entrepreneur who says "thank you" when they're really really thinking "because you bought, I can keep my business afloat, please know I'm appreciative." That's happy (smart also.) A genuine "thank you" from anyone - especially when coming from an unprompted little one. Happy.

Giving, givers.  Giving people are so gifted - if that makes sense.  "Dangit, they snuck up and gave to me again" - how do they do that without me seeing it coming?  I do hope they know how special (and happy) that makes me feel.

A fist bump, a high five, a handshake from a friend that about breaks your damn hand, how do they do that, I only wish I was that strong!

Watching, listening to, talent. A beautiful rendition of the world's most difficult song to sing, the Star-Spangled Banner. The shortstop in the hole diving to get the ball, regain his feet, fire a strike to first. A no look pass for an easy bucket. A short solo by (enter any instrument here). How do they do that? Their hours and hours and hours of practice, to be able to do this - makes me happy.

The people in life that you can't knock the dadgum happy off their face.  WHAT? Doesn't their underwear get holes too?  Don't they ache when they first stand up for the day?  Surely their bank account has come close to ZERO too eh?  I just know, somewhere, sometime, someone said something to them that wasn't nice, but, THERE THEY ARE, happy. I'm envious, and appreciative.  It's the people in the real life game show where they pick door #3 and it's a jackass insteada a trip to Tahiti or a brand new car - and they smile.  Hell to the yeah.  Choosing happy over every other option, blessed be those people.

Friends.  Is there anything better than liking and being liked?  Oh sure it ain't always rainbows and sugarplums, but we'll be damned if anything will halt this friendship!

Family. I love a family picture. I've a buddy who has, I think, 15 siblings.  Imagine the family picture with his folks, their kids, their kid's kids..I'm talking wide wide angle. A thing of beauty.  Happy.  All that?  From us?  YES.  And it's joyous.

In glancing at the above, I guess I'm a simpleton. Much makes me happy, and I'm very thankful for that.  I just heard the Kansas City Star hit the sidewalk out front.  Thank you Lord for allowing me another happy day.

By Happy Henry Gibson...  syrup on the edges compliments of Mrs. Butterworth,

Love, Victurd

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