Monday, December 13, 2021

Power steering......

Holy guacamole..  we take lots for granted.  I've become a fan of the show Homestead Rescue.  Basically, it's a father, son and daughter - and they traverse the US assisting homesteaders in great need of help for one entire week.

Holy guacamole.  I freak out when I learn, remember, yesterday I used the very last spec of butter and I want a cinnamon toast (bread, sugar, butter) NOW.  I WANT WHAT I WANT AND I WANT IT NOW!!

These folks, the homesteaders in need of rescue.  Geez.  First, I love their idea, getting the heck out of Dodge, no traffic, no Glady Kravetz's, no same ole same ole just because everyone else does routine...  I've always said "I want to live so far out I can go get the newspaper in my undies.".. Well, these folks live so far out they don't even deliver newspapers there.  But, tis their wish.

So, my tears for no butter hardly compare to their tears for no running water, no electricity, no real pot to pee in, leaky roofs, unfit soil to harvest anything, bears - jaguars - bobcats - fox, all breaking into pens to devour chickens, goats, ducks, you name it.  Help, I need somebody, help, not just anybody, help - you know I need someone!

So, the Raney family (the Homestead Rescuers) find a spring, fix a roof, sometimes even tear down old shacks, build anew.. improve soil, bring solar energy, or, energy provided by a nearby rushing river, they teach people how to hunt, they make pens impenetrable by the above mentioned critters - all very inexpensively and oft times, using material, trees already on site.  No way in hell I'd live like that (I enjoy seeing yoga pants at the Piggly Wiggly too much) - but admire them, and somehow it really intrigues me.

Today, first thing this morning, I go to automobile fixer shop because my power steering is out.  Driving down the road, trying to make a left turn with no power steering is like homesteading with no water, peeing with pee not having anywheres to go, bears, bobcats, foxes, yada, no light when it's dark.. kinda sorta.  I've always had wimpy arms, but holy guacamole (sorry, I just really really like to say that) it's damn hard to turn a car when the steering is out. One love I have is driving around the old Square in my hometown.  Criminy.  Four, COUNT 'EM, four left turns.  After that, I feel like I remember feeling at the end of a cross country meet when i was 16, totally, completely, worn out.

Homesteading, power steering, life, does that to one.

Getting down is an aspect for all of us. I no believe you if you say you are always peachy keen and you don't need scented aerosol after you go #2.  Sometimes, life, we, all stink.  So what do we do?  I thought you'd never ask.

Before we seek answers - let's also remember the time of year.  YES, it's glorious.  Yes, the Reason for the Season.  Yes, it's family, jollity.  But it can also mean empty chairs where there usedta not be an empty chair.  The desire to purchase the very best presents for friends, loved ones - but simply economically not being able to do so.  Homesteading, power steering, sometimes, Tis the season to hurdle folly.

So, what do we do when down?  Well, if you ain't got electricity on toppa Mt Hood, you call the Raney family.  If you need Lou Ferrigno arms just to make a left turn, you call auto fixer shop.  If you are emotionally down, this is where I preach,  HA, you know me better - this is where I Google to see if there's help available.

I found a site that seems helpful from the UK.  I know, I know, sometimes it's hard to understand English from a UK person.  Heck, I got a buddy that moved here from London in 1977 and I still can't understand him - and he can't understand me.  Oh well, when I think of the UK I think of Judy Carne and "sock it to me" and it sounds fun, so let's see what they say:

They list 5 things.

1) Connecting with others.  This ain't specifically meaning grab 3 friends, play golf, or grab 10 friends, go to Happy Hour, or Laverne and Shirley calling Lucy and Ethel to go shopping.  "Connecting means you see and appreciate someone for who they really are and allow them to see and appreciate who you really are."  OK, I can attest to this.  When we, four of us, do go play golf, it's great. We say "nice shot" or, make fun, compete, have a few beers, talk Glory Days, high school women - that's all well and good - but, my favorite part is riding to the golf course each time with my lifelong buddy.  I've learned so much about him, and he about me - for whatever reason we open up to each other.  Just shoot me, it's emotionally good.

2) Keep active. No, this doesn't necessarily mean joining the gym, cutting carbs, sugar, doing keto crap (sorry, kinda).. eating kale insteada vanilla wafers.  It means stuff like walking (to work or similar), exploring nature, gardening, youtube dance routines- you can even do that in your undies!

3) Keep learning. "Learning keeps us interested and engaged in life.  It also gives us a sense of accomplishment, which improves our confidence." It suggests to not feel pressure to learn, but, to maybe explore something that interests you. Trust me this ain't a 'do like I say', but, and example for me - I've got a buddy that posts pics and interesting quick stories about former Major League Baseball players.  I love this - and I often "Wiki" that player to learn more.  No, I ain't getting my MA in doing so, and no, not many people would give a hill of beans (<- remind me, gotta look that one up someday!).. but, it interests me, and quite honestly, it makes me feel good to learn new diddies, maybe share with pals later.

4) Give. "Key mistake: Giving out of obligation.".. "Giving because we think it's the right thing to do and then sitting around waiing for others to appreciate our generosity or pay us back in kind leads to one thing - bitterness."  They say it should be on impulse.  Give 'just because' and we immediately get return. We feel connected to others and we sense our own value.  We all know folks who give so easily and so often - and if you're like me, you're admirable and think the world of them.  So, I'm sure they can sense that, and it's gotta be a feel good. I reckon we can ape 'em.

5) Be mindful,  "Mindfulness simply means being present to what is happening right here and now. It means dimming down all your judgments on the past and worries about the future and seeing what is right in front of you."  OK, thanks.  Right infronta me I see a cheapy chrome notebook, and behind it is a nifty laptop. (I spilled coffee, OK damnit, beer, on the laptop.. I was devastated, I paid Fitty bucks for that thing on Craigslist.. so, I ordered a forty dolla chromebook. It came, sticky note on it said "works fine, but no sound." HA.  So, I use the laptop with an onscreen keyboard cause my old keyboard got ruined by Miller Lite.. and also the laptop has a bigger screen.  So, I blog with the chrome thingy, watch video, stupid (fun) Facebook vids, with the old laptop.  You get the drift though hopefully of being focused on today.

Thanks.  Thanks UK dudes (and dudettes). On you go back to your settees now.  Cherio.

I'd better shower, get ready for taking my car to the auto fixit guy.  First though, I'm gonna go get the paper in my undies.  If you hear sirens, rescue me.  816-867-5309.

Thanks. Bad moods happen,  Fart, maybe they'll get the smell and go away.  Or, maybe we can try the above.  Sock it to me.

Love, Victurd

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