Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Twenty minutes….

Twenty minutes until work beckons… right? Write….

Can do many things in 20 minutes.. Make a baby.. Drive to Mickey D’s/eat.. Wing down to the city.. Why, we men could do the 3 S’s in 20 minutes…

You could marry in 20 minutes.. Get fired.. Get hired.. Watch the Erin Andrews video four times.. Sorry.. (Damn it was too grainy!)… Watch a 30 minute sitcom that’s been recorded and u tivo thru the commercials..

You could get bored in 20 minutes – which I am now.. so I know if I am, you sureashell are.

The weather – BLAH!.. Weather feller this morning “The average temp for this timea year is 48… well.. our wind chill presently is one below, and we won’t see forty for quite some time.”

I’m reminded.. people… it’s infectious.. we’re tired of it.. “I am SO ready for Spring” one said yesterday.. Anudder, on way out door to smoke “OHHHHHHHHH”.. We’re mebbe a bit testy.

I’m reminded.. our attitudes.. ya ever seen a dog just before he attacks? He gives you that sideways look… not really catching your eyes.. but somehow confidently aware you’re aware.. and then it happens… one side of the upper lip slowly raises up, and goes kinda spaz.. speaks volumes about how the hound feels.. emotions pent, now leaking out.. furrowed.. GRRRRRRR.. That’s us, all of us, here in the frozen tundra. We are in the snarl mode.

I think it would be fun to walk around the office… out and about with friends.. and stop, give that sideways look, and snarl.. raising (just one side) of the upper lip.. I’ve had it, we’ve had it, Global Warming preachers are idiots, it’s cold, I want my mommy.

Aha, I know. I can go sit in the sauna for 20 minutes.. or.. the Jacuzzi.. Heaven.. Yeah, guess you could get to Heaven in 20 minutes.. or the other place.. pending on how much you’ve snarled through your life..

Speakin’ o hounds.. wouldn’t it be great if peopledom allowed us too to walk around, pick any spot, a friend’s car, a coworkers desk, buddy’s barstool – and we could stop, mebbe snarl a bit, and then hike a leg up and just pee? (Victor, are you really fitty-something?).. Uh huh, but not for long. Few more years. Several thousand twenty-minutes..

When you stop and think about it, dogs have it made. They get to furrow, raise that front lip on one side – and they still get petted, don’t haveta go to the grocery store, buy their own food.. letalone ever work a day in their life. They can walkup anywhere they want and hike a leg. They can even, close you’re ears, doink in broad daylight if they wanna.. No marriages, no lawyers.. they wean their young young.. I wanna be a dog. (Some might say you are one Victor.) Mebbe. Arf. Snarl. Furrow. Hike.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if someone entered your yard, your cubicle, your wherever you were – you could stop, give ‘em that sideways look, snarl, and the bark your ass off? Would be great for the cubicle. A dog’s life. Permanent vacation. The only time you’d have to face this awful cold is to pee or poop. Sign me up.

Blog. You can blog in 20 minutes. Or, do 13 tweets. I ain’ta tweeter. Not even on Facebook. I did the Lycos, then MSN, then Yahoo, then MySpace.. huh uh, that’s it, enough. Blow the whistle. Tweet. Done. Blogging is plenty.

The last ten minutes of my twenty, I shall go smoke. BRRRRRRR..

Or……… you can waste twenty minutes as you/I’ve just done. Sorry. But, hope you had baby smile. If not, a snarl is good. Bark if u wanna. Or hell, hike a leg. Doesn’t mutter to me. Have a great one. Lotta twenty minutes within a day – have ‘em how you want. Love, Victurd.

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