Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What if….

Fun game. I likes ‘what if’… Can ‘cause creativity… wow… eww.. all that stuff.

Like.. what if Michael Vick was signed by the Cleveland Browns insteada the Eagles? Would “the Dog Pound” love him?

What if…. (ok, personal) Victor found a woman (who would take him!)…. The folks at the Dish.. They’d sit around… Norm… Cliffy.. reminisce “remember ole’ Victor.. wonder whatever happened to him?”..

What if….. we ran outta oil? Holy tanker truck Batman.. Me thinks we’d learn we’re spoiled. Liberty to Grandview? Howinthehell would I do that?

What if… (I’ve worried about this since day #1).. something happened to Obama. Those of us old farts who’ve been around long enough to have observed racism in real life – the remarkable (way too GD slow, late) progress we’ve made. It’d set us back eons, and I pray nothing ever happens…

Found a book with lotta interesting, thought provoking questions. Like……..

What if you found out you were adopted?

What if you could be invisible? (Holy crap wouldn’t THAT be fun… Pervert.. I know what your were thinking!)

What if you won the lottery?

What if you knew the world was ending in a month?

What if you could eat anything and not get fat? (BBQ ribs, here I come!)

What if you were granted three wishes? Well.. #1, take me back to 1974.. I’d like a ‘do-over’… Ohhhh don’t gimme wrong, I think I’da just been a little wiser (Victor, do you mean more mature?).. KMA.. yes. I think I’d “keep it in my pocket” for at least the first six months of dating anyone. I think I’d live a minimum of two years with someone before matrimony. And I’d be good (better than I have) to “K”.. As in 401K.. If I could have that one (being 22 again), screw the other two.

What if everyone looked identical? Weird. I guess you could make out with anyone at the Piggly Wiggly. Perhaps there would be no ‘cause for affair. The grass wouldn’t be any greener, ya know?

And…. some’a my own:

What if farts were a normal, acceptable, open thing of life… kinda like sneezing, coughing? I’d love that one. Could take side bets as to whether it was a ‘shart’ or not. Stuck in the cubicle with one you’re not real fond of? Let ‘er go baby! Blast ‘em outta there. Played basketball with a guy that could literally clear the gym. I bet he’d enjoy it.

What if clothing were never invented... Again, would make for fun at the Piggly Wiggly. The High School football game. Church. A Royals or Chief’s game.

What if you could say anything you wanted to anyone you wanted with no recourse? Well, I know it’d never happen.. but, howabout picking a day.. say, May 12th, you could say whatever you want to whomever, and again, no recourse. I think I’d like that!

What if, we could fly on our own?.. Run 65 mph?.. Jump over buildings?.. Defy gravity?..

What if they figured out how to prevent aging – at what age then, would u wanna die? Or would u wanna?

What if you came into work an hour and a half early to get caught up, and then you realized you instead went to writing about “what if?”.. Oh yeah, guess you’re right. What if we didn’t have left brain talking to right brain.. or vice versa…

Make your own ‘what if’s? up. Tis fun (to me anyways.).. “Victor, you perhaps just don’t realize that some people may not be into ‘such-n-such’ quite just like you are.” (What if you went a lifetime and NEVER remembered the occasional piercing statements you’re left to rehash over and over in a lifetime.)

What if I actually got caught up at work? What if I said “Have a great day?”… wouldya? Hope so.. love, Victurd

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