Friday, September 11, 2009

Shed some light on it……

Without. Whenya think of “what would I hate most to live without?”.. Hmm… I spose if you walked into the room designated “Men”, the responses would center around sex. Trust me though, one can live without it. So far, it really HaSn’T aFfEcTeD mE. Hehe.

Companion. Sure, tough. Can be done. Some never even have one. Some lose one, get another. Some jump ship.. think “eh, lemme find a different one.” We can fer sure survive withouta mate.

Money. Delivered mail in the very poorest section of Kansas City, KS. I knew nothing about Kansas City, KS prior to working there. Those wonderful people taught me you very definitely could live without money, and actually live quite happily.

Water. Ok, ya got me. Ya gotta have water, but that wasn’t where I was barking.

Light. Can u imagine not having light? If I didn’t have light, hell, I might as well marry someone ugly like me! I dunno howinthehell them Alaskans do it. Six months, I’d be soooo depressed. I guess mebbe it’d kinda reinvigorate a marriage huh? “Hell Shirley, I ain’t seen u in halfa year.. you don’t look too bad.”…

Friday night lights.. My great nephew. Playing in his senior year of football. I hope he doesn’t take those lights for granted. Good head on shoulders, certain he doesn’t. One day those lights won’t be quite as bright. He’ll be just another spectator in the stands.

Night. Lights. Blair Witch Project. Spooky. Flashlight in the basement, hearda noise. Electricity out. Eerie.

In my bathroom, I have this fixture above the sink with 5, count em 5, little round white bulbs. I love/hate it. For years there were 100 watt bulbs in there – and that was all well and fine, but hell – she was very pretty – and had zilcho to hide. Me? Now? 40 watt bulbs. Long as I can see to get the toothpaste on the brush, aim and hit the stool ok, that’s all I need.

Frankly, us older people hate digital cameras, HD, LCD, that shit. We’re much more fond of dark shadows, not being in the limelight than HEY LET’S SEE EVERY CRACK, CREVICE, MOLE, PIMPLE, CHIPPED TOOTH, ZIT, FRECKLE, BROWNSPOT.. Hate ‘em. Gimme a room with the lights low – right up my alley.

Each day greets us with light. It’s a Godly thing. Taken for granted, but oh whatta blessing. “YES! I made another day!”… The taken for granted part. GD we hurry in life. Someday, soon, I wanna plop myself in a chair.. no computer nearby. No newspaper. No animals to “have to” pet. No radio. No TV. Just me, and the horizon, as the sun comes up. When’s the last time you did that? I know, me too, been too gosh darn long. Life truly is amazing, and that’s onea the greater ‘free’ things ever.

Left for work before daylight today. Interesting the vehicles, their lights on the road. 18-wheelers, way up high. Little snotnose ‘driving-on-my-daddy’s-dollar’ bright neon headlights – shed enough light for all of us… fine when in front – but a real pain if in our rear view mirror.

I remember coaching a few years back. Women’s college basketball. Traveled to a similar small, liberal arts college – oh, hour or so away. Nice place, kinda old gym. The kind where u had a stage behind one basket. Gym served two purposes. Well, ‘bout the time onea our girls got to the free throw line to shoot – JUST as she lifted the ball to shoot, light on the stage went out. Bastards. Light matters. Light startles. Change in light affects us. Knew it wasn’t coincidence the 3rd time it happened. Eh, whatever, if that’s what you gotta do to win.

Speed of light. Light years. Sunlight. Florescent light. Come on baby light my fire. Wasn’t it the Goonies “BRIGHT LIGHT!”?.. Candlelight. Moonlight. Gotta light? A smile lit up her face. You, light up my life. Light weight. Light duty. Bud Lite. You’re blocking my light. We’ll leave the light on, hear? Different light. I saw the light. Blinded by the light.

Light is just a damn fun word. I’m a little light, canya loan me Five until payday? Ahm, I think he’s maybe light in his loafers. Not the brightest bulb in the box.

I’m thankful for light. Hell, thinka computers without light. Thinka our lives without light. Uh huh, I’d still probably rank sex above light (tis fun even in the dark), but light ranks right up there in wonder, amazement. Need. Want.

May the day be lit up with your smile. Your happiness great, and your burdens light. Can u shed some light on the subject? Love, Victurd. (Light’s out)……….

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