Thursday, September 24, 2009

No songs….

Can’t thinka none. Double negative, I know. Oh well. That’s a song. Fleetwood Mac I believe. Even an Oh Well part II. Just looked. Already did that. Chit.

I repeat myself. Already did that too. Dangit there ain’t nuttin new. Ya know, sometimes that’s just the way life is…… El Boro. Mundane. Gray. Or Grey. Seen it spelled both ways, dunno, don’t care – grey…..

Boring days are like a blonde chick who’s roots need recoloring. A lady that has 9 nice fingernails glued on. Dude with a wrinkled shirt. Socks that don’t match. The last pair of clean undies. Kids going thru the motions. Driving to work in a trance. Oblivious, even to the radio.

Boring happens. You ever have a conversation with someone, ya gets a little uneasy, bored… unconsciously send body signals “I WAN’T OUTTA THIS” yet, they don’t pick that up? Man, I have. Lots. I guess that’s what whatshername meant when she said “people don’t always get as excited about your ideas as you do Victor.”

You have things that people have said to you in your life that you’ll never forget? Me too. Most are poopy things said. Those aren’t boring, they’re sad.

Boring is being single, reading profiles, and seeing people that are sepErated… get their your and you’re confused… their they’re and their messed up… Seen one today, lady has a graduate degree… is a school counselor… begins her profile, honest to goodness, first sentence: “I a single lady with my own home.”

I have to find chit like that to keep me amused. Friend, don’t tell, sent me their resume’ for me to forward to our HR Department. At very end…..”Refernces” Provided upon request.

Soon, I’ll go smoke (I’m early at work, boring normal thing for me.) As I smoke, I can justabout predict exactly what time, which car will pull in. How they/we all walk our own little boring way. Goin’ thru the motions. Hump day has past, but it ain’t the weekend yet. Thursday might be justa tad bit less boring than Tuesday, but not by much.

Our computers at work are likea car with 250,000 miles on them. Upon occasion, the better part of one’s day is spent staring at the GD (gosh darn) hourglass. Bored one day, created list of top ten things to do whilst staring at hourglass, sent coworkers. I wasn’t bored any longer. Bored is as bored does I rectum.

Small towns can be boring. Big cities can be boring. Boring just has a way of slipping into our lives. Then something cool happens. Outta left field. Or, someone says “I don’t repeat gossip, so listen close the first time.” Music happens.

You’ve got mail happens. Yippee. Ain’t seen/heard from that friend in awhile, how cool. The sun comes out. There’s a nip in the air. The tree tops are turning like that blonde with the root problem. Coworkers argue. One quits. Another gives 2 week notice.

KU football players fighting KU basketball players and vice versa. Can’t really blame ‘em, I hate ‘em both too. The KC Star hits the driveway. Coffee’s done perkin'. Yippee. Boring is over, done, finito.

“GD, I forgot how pretty she was” happens. You get an email from someone u recently slept with and they tell you that they had a really nice time.. VICTOR! Sorry, slipped.

Point is, it’s like anything else in life, there be ups, and there be downs. Halfa the glass is air, the other part water. Introvert, extrovert. IT guy/sales rep. Clerk/Vice President. Blue collar, white collar. FUN. Boring. Ya gotta love it all. If u don’t, you’ll go nuts.

I love it all… especially that one email from that one chick. VICTOR! Going to smoke now, see if my boring predictions pan out. If you ever have a boring moment, conversation, just giggle to yourself, and picture the other person naked. Helps. Boring can even be kinda fun. Go. Do. Have fun. Gossip. Hump. Live. Love. Eat, drink, be merry. Later, love Victurd.

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