Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Knock knock….

Hi? May I help you? Why are you here? I’m an old fart. Uninteresting. The highlight to my day is petting my cat goodbye in the morning. Ya hear me? Makes no sense you’re hear.

But since you are.. Or aren’t… my day…..

To court with son. We’ve had like five continuances, and I’ve spent the better part of my 48 annual hours of vacation plopped in the courtroom pew watching DUI folks, non-support fathers, inmates, and that - until they call my son’s name… only to hear “July 1st”.. (before it was June 3rd, May-something, April-something, etc, etc. Tis ok, all worth it.

So to work late. 10:30-ish. “Eh, I’ll skip lunch.” Computers went down. She-it, I’ll takea lunch.

Tis our busiest timea the year (however we’re always busy.. Company has a Golden Rule, “give each person enough work for one-anda-half persons, and tell ‘em to ‘chew faster’ “.. I had 36 emails still unread when I logged out at 7:03pm. It’s somewhat like a fitty-five year old going out with a thirty-six year old… I just can’t keep up.

So I was driving home. Rain, modest. Then rain, a sunofabitch. There were folks parked under the overpasses - I kinda giggled, thought of them as wimps… then, my car caughta bigass puddle - I slid over a halfa lane, was heading kinda cata-corner to the way the white lines of the highway were pointing - let off the gas on the HRL, said a baby prayer, and peed a bit.

So. Top end was now 47mph (down from “what the hell’s wrong with you idiots, it’s only rain.. I’m going my normal 68mph.”)

Mother Nature was reminding us who was boss. And she is. I considered joining the wimps under the overpass - then it started letting up.

Three minutes from my hometown - bright, sunny, calm, they’ll never know.

As I got off on the exit to sneak home, I thought to myself “it’s really beena blah day. There ain’t been anything memorable.. You know, like you blog about you asshole.”.. Remember Victor? You’re the UP person. The suckup every moment, “take pictures with your eyeballs”, “pretend it’s your last day on this planet.”

So, I was sheepishly now waaaay down in my seat as I drove. You know. Kinda like how the brothers drive. And then…

THE coolest rainbow I ever seen. I haven’t been to church since… well.. It hadta be when a relative died quite awhile back. More and more stuff like this keeps happenin’ in my life - and I’ve always believed - it’s just now I REALLY believe. I scoffed at “life” because the day was mostly mundane - and then I gotta sign. I do believe.

Changing the subject to pigs.. You know… men… my day also included (each a different person): damn she’s gotta nice booty… WOW, that is one gorgeous lady. I HATE her husband… Those eyes and eyelashes drive me batty. I wonder if she was single we’d “you know”.. This bartender (yes, stopped for two Corona’s.. it was a long day) is pretty much grumpy - but she’s got a wonderful body. Run Victor, you’ve visited this before.

Wow Victor, do you realize you just flip-flopped from “Him” to “staring at booty.” Yes, I know… apologies. Next time I’ll try to somehow hook the two up together… You know, like “imagine what she’d look like in a fig leaf.”

And.. About aging.. The old gray mayor… I noticed.. When I get inta the car - I don’t support my weight on one leg every onceinawhile. I wimpass up to the door, open it, turn around, slowly lower my butt into the car. I hates that. (But, for sometime I’ve been hella careful getting outta the shower to make sure my weight is balanced over the foot the weight is on.) From that, the other day at the softball game.. I hit one pretty hard (for me) at the first baseman. Shoulda gotten me out. He booted it. It dribbled off a few feet. I ran (yes, I ran) my ass offl. JUST beat the throw. “WAYTA HUSTLE VIC!” Even more, makes the getting in car, getting outta tub habits more embarrassing. My body ain’t decided yet, old or “Still going.”

I’d fillya in on the “you know” but there ain’t been no “you know.” (Victor, do you remember the time you went in for a physical, you hadn’t had a date in like eight months and the doctor asked “so how’s it going sexually??”.. Ahm, yes, I remember that. I’m certain, if Doctors have break rooms, I was the butta the jokes that day. KMA.

I give up. Me too, tired as hell. Hey, thanks for the rainbow. Thanks, if your eyeballs are here. Thanks if you’re gorgeous and work where I work I do try to live every minute. Here’s hopin’
u do too! Loveya, Victor


lilli blossom said...

I met you about a year ago online. You probably don't remember me, but you have been an inspiration ever since. After having lost my husband to cancer, you caught my interest, providing a link to this page and I have been checking on you ever since. A stalker I suppose, watching from afar. Don't bitch, Daniel Steele, depends on loyal readers.

I liked the photo featured in your online advertisement but have since lost the link to view it.

You write very well and while I couldn't seem to spark your interest, you have managed to get me though some really difficult days.

Just wanted to say that I am sorry that whatsherface run off with the Harley guy, that your spending your vacation in court with son (been there done that), that the feel good girl is so shallow as to be cruising only for a paycheck, that family no long can be with you, that piggly wiggly hasn't managed to stock the shelves with several brands of "the one", or that your body is fighting back by slowing down.

Since you have provided me with so many hours of "inspirationsal" perspective, I thought maybe I would offer a little of my own. The Harley may have been the best thing that ever happened for you, that even without you knowing it you may be a blessing to someone, that the support that you give your son while frustrating also reassures you that you are needed, maybe you should try shopping somewhere besides piggly wiggly, I am finding that when the body starts slowing down maybe I should consider finding a new game, and that while memories are great reminders of where we came from and of those that we love trying to relive them results in missed opportunities to make new ones.

As I sit back quietly and take in your awesome perspectives I can't help but wonder "hey what was wrong with me." I know I am not a 10 but I'd like to think maybe I could fair as a low 9/high 8 in the looks, mind, and positive attitude departments especially for the nearly fifties crowd. Is bodatious bimbo really what you are looking for? Unless Victor is a character role that you have created for purposes of amusement and the blog spot, I would question whether bimbo would hold your interest for long (or for that matter would hold hers for long either). No insult intended but I think you are a little too deep (I think that is what you told me or something like that). Sometimes aloof, sometimes cocky, I hear the spirit of a fun loving, awnry, sentimental, rebel, that is getting along pretty okay everyday and who doesn't forget to count his blessings. I know "Who ask you, Lilli?" Have you ever talked to the TV or the cat? And if so, why? Maybe for the same reason I followed through on the urge to comment, it breaks the silence.

Thanks for sharing the blog address. I'll be quiet again, at least for a while, or until I need to break the silence again. LOL.


Check engine light said...

Lilli.. Thank you so very much for you comments, concerns, well wishes - and mostly your eyeballs.

I too understand her running off on the Harley perhaps wasn't such a bad thing...

As far as the body and softball - perhaps I am trying to "relive" yesterday - but I oh so love yesterday - and this revisiting thru joining friends to play has been a MAJOR boost to my everyday morale.

If you're talking about "40-something, rich, divorced, blonde" - that (much like the Harley comment) is said hopefully to draw a smile. I do believe there has to be that certain chemistry between two - but thankfully God has snapped me in place enough where "ok, I understand, looks ain't onea the most important things."

I'm very glad you wrote Lilli.. Makes my day, my week, my month.. makes me sitting here occasionally ever so worth it.

I am a big lover of life. I know too I'm human - and I'll occasionally butcher it along the way.. and when I do I share, because for whatever reason people enjoy hearing about people goofing up.. different perspectives.. stopping to ask "why?"..

If I told you that you were too deep - well slap me. I've been told that here - so mebbe I'm a hypocrite...

I DO talk to the cat - he/they are onea my favorite breathing things on the planet - and I see nothing wrong with that. That's what our life is for, choosing. It's all about choosing - and we can even be a little selfish now and then.

I'm way glad you've chosen to write. Love, Victurd

Check engine light said...

And Lilli. Again slap me. I'm sorry I neglected to address the very biggest thing from above. I'm very sorry for the loss of your husband. I simply can't imagine being in your shoes - and even though (if I have any strong traits)trying to see life from other's shoes I've been Ok at. But from yours, I couldn't/can't.

I don't understand when things in life like that happen, especially to very good people, you.

I guess all the more reason to suckup every moment, every chance... Losing my familiy so fast "learnt" me that. Hard way to learn a lesson - but perhaps that's Gods tradeoff for me..

Again, thanks - Victor

lilli blossom said...

Do you ever sleep or are you early to bed ... early to rise?

No ill will intended in any of my comments. Just wanted to comment that the things that have happened in our past only serve to make us stronger and better people if we choose to find a way see the blessings. (Why people) I was married for nearly 30 years to a man who was so self absorded that "enough" was beyond his comprehension. I was never enough, I never gave enough, nor was good enough, thin enough, fun enough, never enough sex, never enough money, never enough toys, never enough. Ultimately not enough time to figure out enough. Alone sucks but for now it is enough. Okay enough is enough. hehe. Thanks for saying it.

Gave up softball when the hamstring demanded a slower jump out of the batters box. But oh, the home runs, the bubble gum and bubbles as I rounded third and headed for home. Running on the wind.

Gave up basketball when the court caused heavy breathing, but still competitive with a round of PIG, or HORSE, just depends on how much time I have. LOL.

Golf with an electric cart fits me better physically at point in my life as long as I don't take it to seriously. I have resolved that I missed natural talent with this sport however I have found that adult beverages keep my sense of humor in check, that and an eraser on the end of that 2 inch pencil. hehe

Nothing wrong with reliving the past as long as it doesn't cause physical injury. I expect that a rousing round of big checkers (Cracker Barrel big) is a prospect of game in the I hope distant future.

Well Victor, I need to get my happy ass out of here and go see what the day has in store for me. Only one thing certain, no matter whether good or bad, I am going to be able to look back at the end of this day and say enough is enough.

Wishes for a day full of enough.


Check engine light said...


Again thanks - and I'm very sorry to learn your marriage wasn't a happy one. Life is supposed to be mostly happy.

I urge you to write - even if only to yourself - you're very good at it. I find it EXTREMELY therapuetic (sp?) and rewarding. I won't say never - but I rarely go back and read old blogs - but I know they're there, so I have them forever to go back and remember how I was living the day - and what I was doing.

When I gather with old high school cronies - oft times they repeat stories from yesteryear - some I remember, some not. With the blog (or diary if u were to choose) it gives one a better look at themselves.

If u ever needta wanna yap, my (very old)email address is missouri48male@yahoo.com

And... I always copy this and do it on MySpace (I know, kids at work say "YOU have a a MySpace page?").. it's


So, happy day - and I get carried away writing - so like u say, enough is enough.

Happy evening,