Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I was gonna do naked…..

HEY? Where’d everyone one go? Ohhhh.. .Yeah, I see. Skeery thought ain’t it.

I was gonna do a blog on nudity, nakedness, in the buff in public.. .I’d read a couplea articles today in the paper..

Dude arrested for THIRD time driving around Kansas City, naked, “all oiled up”… Fitty-three. I’m like “why?”… The hell’s up with that? Never mind…

In the same paper, an article abouta group of 200+ in Boulder… upset with the rising cost of fuel.. Decided to have a “Naked bike protest”.. Ok.. “YEAH! we’ll show Bush!”… I rectum, in a roundabout way, they did.

Then I started searching, and I got bored. Articles by Naturalists… Beach laws.. Local laws.. State laws… Foreign country laws…. It’s all so confusing, I’ve decided to never ever get naked in public.

My week has been El Boro. Sorry. Has. No, I don’t like do Crossword puzzles (although I love them.)… I don’t do novels (Although somea these blogs resemble them)… I’m not into Solitaire (but I could sit at a blackjack table for half a day.)…

I love watching people, and I always do that. Different sizes. Different socio-economics… Those with little kids (oft’ times it always appears they’re thinkin’ “if I’d only known THIS, THEN, I wouldn’ta thought it was so ‘fun’.

I love old folks. They do whatever in the hell they want. They don’t care what others think - be it driving fitty-three in a 65... Sitting around the table at a food joint yapping…

You may think this is dumb.. But I like watching parents (and they’re usually moms) getting kids safely from the exit door at the Piggly Wiggly, to the car, be it steps, or 100 yards away. Weird, the ones (moms) with smiles, have no problems. Their kid either latches onto their pantleg - or, they’re holding hands strolling leisurely.

The (sorry) grumpy ones (Moms), it’s a test. The kid darts out. YELL. GRAB. PULL. Borderline abuse.. And it’s a struggle. Calm works, yelling leads to near misses. Funny how voices are raised, but less is heard.

I like watching folks ‘tween 17 and 22. These wonderful sonofaguns ‘act’ cause they don’t know how to just be. “I’m an adult… watch me (but howthehell do I do this?)”… From zero to 16, they were themselves. They get temporarily lost - then one day they wakeup, and it’s like “I’m just me, and that’s who I’ll be.” Tell me folks don’t walk different in this age span, ur GD (gosh darn) right they do. Experimentation. Mebbe tippy-toeing into adulthood.

I’ve watched baseball (an entire game).. Drank beer in the garage of a friend’s house… Chopped the hell outta a bush out front.. Taken an afternoon off… Paid all my bills… BORING. I’m BORING.

I needs more variety in my life. Maybe an oiled-up ride around KC.. Maybe a bike ride with “Screw $4/gallon” plastered across my back..

If you are out there…. And you’re breathing…. Please tell me what you’ve done eventful? Honest, I’d love to hear.

I sit and I rack my brain thinking whatinthehell to write about… and their just ain’t been chit of late..

Sometimes I reckon, boring is ok. Life, at times, can be mundane. If we didn’t have mundane, then weird/exciting wouldn’t be so weird/exciting.

I do hereby challenge you to share your public nudity story, or, anything exciting that’s happened in ur life.

Sorry this was a dud. Eh, it’s almost 4th of July. Duds happen.

Love, Victurd

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