Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I expect you won’t like this.


There are one of two answers here…. Either you gots one in the oven, or, (thank you Yahoo) “Having or marked by expectation: an expectant look; an expectant hush.”

Sometimes, I peek at the monitor… like today.. .it says “zero blogs” for the week. She-it. I’d better git wit’ it. Then I thinka those woman, couples I see. Expectant. If there ain’t no other rugrats around, I’m like “ohhhhhh my, you have no idea how your life is about to change!”
I mean, crapola (Said with love).. Whatshername was expectant in 1984 (son born July, ‘85) I had NO IDEA it’d carry over like this to “ott-8”..

I mean I had fun and all the last four weeks and all when she needed help to get outta the waterbed, and (before I’d extend my hand to help) I negotiated ‘deals’ (mainly “you promise lasagna tonight?”.. or, “that heavenly meatloaf u make just once in the next week?”) She usually complied - and it was all good. I’d lend a hand.

Expect. We expect Victor will blog. We expect the sun to come up. We put the key in, we expect the car will start. Well, you might anyways. We expect payday. We expect to turn on the boob tube in the am and see the same smiley faces. We expect what’s adorning our closets… We expect responses to our salutations to co-workers… We expect most things in our day..

We plan, so others can expect… “Going to WalMart after work, be home mebbe 45 minutes late..”… “The group at work is meeting for one, I’ll be home 7-ish”…

Expectations are a good thing.

Unexpected. This, I thrive on. I’ve always gone out of my way to try to be extraordinarily unordinary. Why just this morning, the peepers popped open at 3:30am. I was like “NO… it’s EXPECTED you’ll stay closed AT LEAST until 5-something!”.. Nope. They wouldn’t have none-of-it. So……I Googled every onea my very close friend’s names.. To find “look-alikes” with the exact same names as them… and interesting tidbits about ‘em.. Lemme, Misty (same last name) offered $15K to a hit man to get ridda this cop…. Found another friend’s name that got busted for selling heroin.. Anyways, fun for me, I got about six-seven interesting tidbits (fun stuff about their real name, but it tweren’t them) pasted it all together and emailed it to them.

Mebbe u had to be there - but it was different kinda-sorta, unexpected.

Off base. It’s fun to catch folks (in a friendly/fun way) off base. Hopefully have ‘em draw that smile when they ain’t expectin’ it. I reckon it could be a Seinfeld episode. If you are, do, say, the unexpected, wouldn’t it be expected? I expect so.

I dunno what to expect for tomorrow. I expect it’ll be morea the same.
Expect can be dangerous in relationships. Some can’t live up to their expectations, thus, they’re thrown overboard. Reckon too, expectation can be a controlling thing.

It’s 6am, just had to go tinkle. Swung by the kitchen enroute. Jackson’s at his bowl looking up at me like an ole hoot owl. He expects to get fed at this time - every day. I expect I’d better do that.

Gotta go watch Channel 9, so I’ll know what kinda weather to expect today. Expect I’d look goofy in shortsleeves if the temp is gonna drop a bunch. Been nice though, don’t expect it will.

When it’s least expected, you’re elected it’s your lucky day.. SMILE… you’re on Candid Camera. You are an old sumbitch Victor. Yes, yes I am. (And I expected you’d say something like that.)

What do you expect outta the resta ur life? Do others still have expectations of you? Tomorrow is fun. The unexpected. We do pretty much chart our own course, mostly know what to expect… then there are curve balls. Dead ends. Ya might even be single, going along quite well - then meet someone unexpectedly – they knock ya off your feet.

It’s time to jump in tub. I expect I’d better go. Whether you do the same ole same ole every day, or mebbe ifn’s ur onea them that comes outta leftfield with the unexpected.. I expect I’ll still loveya. Expect I’ll seeya again soon? Love, Victurd

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