Saturday, January 26, 2008

What's so bad abou tit.....

Nuttin’ really….

Kinda an El Boro weekend thus far… Same ole same ole… Needs me some life here!

I found it somewhat humorous - I’d seen a gal on MySpace. Truly gorgeous, so, I sent an email and said just that. Within minutes, she’d clicked the “friend” thing - and we winged a few emails back and forth.

I really ain’t gots nothing against people espousing their religious beliefs, but too I find doing ANYTHING that’s not done in moderation mebbe “not so good.” Her website was completely adorned with Biblical sayings.. Religious pictures.. Her emails had Bible Quotes. Again, all well and fine, just the overindulging thingy ain’t my cup of beer.

So anyways… within minutes after the “2 tits, 4 tits, 6 tit’s a dollar” blog was posted, she vanished! No longer a friend - her click did it.

I hope I don’t step on toes here. Don’t REAL religious people like boobies too? What’s so bad abou tit? Hehe. If (well, Ok reckon I am/can be) I’m the sinner… ain’t it “hate the sin, love the sinner?”..

Are the lights always off when they “you know”? Is the function of becoming one simply for the purpose of creation? What happens after menopause/manopause?

Ok, Victor, you’ve done it again. When someone doesn’t share the same principles, beliefs - and they run - why must you always diss them here after? Ok, I apologize, my boob oo. I promise to try to never le tit happen again.

On-a kinda similar subject - if ye are out there, and ye isn’t having intimacy - ain’t it awful? Oh, I agree, intimacy with “the one” is heaven - and yes, it’s very selfish to pretend simply for the reward of sex.

It’s kinda like “I miss playing softball.” No, it ain’t even close to softball, but you know - it’s something I can’t (ain’t) have/having now - but I guess iT rEaLlY hAsN’t AfFeCtEd me.

I love seeing others in public (no, mind outta gutter, not where I was going).. I love seeing others in public worshipping their mate - and I wonder why that end is so difficult? I for sure ain’t Huey Lewis, but I googled “chopped liver” and I don’t look like that either!

Pity party here? It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.. Hehe... No… No pity party. If anything, there’s excitement of tomorrow. Getting to know someone so intimately you can shave whilst they pee is special. (Run religious girl, RUN!)…

I miss the cologne, the smiles, the touch, the conversations, the laughs, the “thinking the same thing at the very same moment”… Inside jokes. Being around others and knowing in advance their opine of said others.

Having someone to talk to in the car besides the empty GD seatbelt. Cranking the music/singing and making a complete idiot outta myself/ourself and the other laughing about it - or at least putting up with it.

Writing a love note. Giving a small gift for no reason at all. Finding comfort when you hear the door open, or the garage door go up. Hearing the familiar voice on the phone…

Again, I don’t feel sorry for me… or for you… I just live with excitement that I know the day will come. If anyone’s here and you already got all that crap - please know how special it is. A simple little thing like just reaching across the bed for a loving touch must not be taken for granted.

Apologies this ain’t the funny-ha-ha kinda blog - but it’s a happy one, for it is one of hope. One of appreciation. One of “I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

I think we’ve all had opportunities, our moments - and on several occasions I really thought I was there. Dunno. Guess we’re all too GD picky the older we get. I’ve not had the feel of “when she leaves the house, I can’t wait until she returns.” It’s hard (at least for me) to attain that - but once I do, I will never ever forget this/these times - and it will be THE BIGGEST thing in my life.

Churchgoer is good too… would probably even be good for me too. As long as it ain’t always light’s out and “please leave the bathroom whilst I pee” and not “quit looking at my boobies, they’re for nutritional purpose only.” Hehe.

Victor, you’re nuts. Yes I know. This road has been rougher than Seven Hills Road, but agin’, the drive will be awesome once it gets here. Good luck in finding your ride. Your “shotgun passenger”.

I too promise to continue blogging… it just might take me a little whilst longer.. U see, I’d have to stop and peek every time she took her bra on or off. Hehe. Heck, even braless works, but I think we already discussed that.

I pray for your passion to arrive as well… good luck in your trek of finding ‘the one’. No doubt abou tit, we will. Love, Victurd.

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