Friday, September 08, 2006

Whadda you wanna talk about?

I dunno... you?... I don't care... Where do you wanna go?... I dunno... you?

Work. Teenage work. Ya want the job, ya want the pay, but you don't wanna put in the hours. Every minute spent at work is a minute your friends are out there playing without you... Hell, literal hell.

Work. Twenty-something. I wants me a title. I'm gonna fill ma damn closet up with the finest duds.. I'ma gonna get my picture raht there on page 7 of the Business section where it says "Promotions". I am gonna be SOMEBODY.

Work. Thirty-something. GD feeding these kids is tough. I'ma gonna get me a 2nd job - and if the boss don't like it - or don't promote me - then tough tootie. They're all high and mighty over that wet-behind-the-ears recent grad in 2B anyways. Screw 'em.

Work. Forty-something. I can still run with the young pups - but I'm kinda happy where I am in this company. I ain't out to kiss booty to move up - too damn old for that. I'm gonna monitor my 401K closer - my resolution this year. GD when will those kids fly the coup so I can cut back on somea this overtime - or, lower my commission goals to a more realistic figure. I JUST got my college paid off - GD, I'ma gonna be a creeper by the time I get these snotnose's student loans paid off.

Work. Fifty-something. Motions - going through. I see those young whippersnappers and I remember the day I had that spunk. More power to 'em - but no thanks. I'm of the age where I'll gladly tell my boss that onea his ideas is bullshit - and because I've sat my fatass in this chair so long - he won't get all bent outta shape by me saying so. Oh shit - my 401K. GD how could I have forgotten to watch it closer? I remember the day 65 was retirement age - but I see more and morea my buddies here working into their early 70's. Shit. I never will see Florida. I'm gonna keel as a working raisin.

Work. Sixty-something. Ain't been there yet - can't tell ya about it. I'm certain I'll be working unless Elisabeth Shue returns onea my 672 emails I've sent her and invites me to be her live in. I could handle that. I'd be a Shue in.

I feel lucky to daily be able to observe the attitudes of employees from each of these brackets. Really - notta one of 'em speaks anything about enjoying life (cepting maybe the view from the teenager's shoes)... Perhaps we could learn from that.

I ain't real sure if anyone is still here - but I'm gonna write nonetheless. Last I remember - there's a school secretary.. a lady who works from home on the computer.. and a traveling insurance person.. all cool jobs - fairly different from mine. I'd love to hear your take on work/the ages. How do you - at age 40-something or 50-something feel about work today?

Truthfully - my job has been my savior the last 4-5 years. It's been a social outlet. The overtime has helped me feed the Ameristar. And I've been made to feel like a contributor. So........ close your ears... I like my job - in spitea any bitching you might hear.

Speakin' o jobs.. I gotta go stick my hand in this thing that records what your palm looks like so you don't hook-or-crook them on hours. GD I hate that. May the corners of your mouth point upward at the timeclock of your work and life. Love, Victurd.

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