Friday, June 16, 2006

There..... all better now.

Bring the troops home....

Bring our dollars home - spend them on a better tomorrow for us...

Restrict campaign spending (Maybe to as little as a website)so the Average Joe/Josephine, logical thinking person could gain office. Millionaires have no idea what it's like living in the real US world today.

Take all the money we send to countries equally as wealthy as us and use it to research alternate forms of energy - pay for greater mass transit programs...

Track down, sue, incriminate, incarcerate, possibly neuter any recorded c'rap musicians that drop f-bombs, ho talk, denigrating discriminating language, etc.

Clean up movies. Don't 'pedestal' sick behavior. Bring back real role models.

Through attrition - replace any city workers, highway workers, sanitation workers, etc with parent's who don't pay child support. Don't jail 'em - make 'em work. Force them to stay there until they're six months aheada the game - bank that, then putta GPS monitor on 'em...

Get ridda every fucking gun in the US.

Find out what manufactured products we import for less than we can make them for here... Stop importing them, have our prisoners start producing similar. Any profits over and above costs - use for less fortunate folks that don't have healthcare.

Get ridda plea bargaining. Why should Joe ($50K a year) be able to pay lawyer Tim ($100K a year) to change his ticket from this (hefty fine) to that (reduced charge) whilst the poor fella has no options. Fuck that. We are equal - no matter how many bones are in our pocket. If we had consequences besides spending money to get us outta fixes - perhaps there wouldn't be so many fixes.

Take half of the serving military members now on duty in peaceful countries - bring them home - have them track down illegal immigrants. Let them stay - but give them the choice to do it legally - or hit the trail. Recoup any known back taxes.

Ok. I feel better now! Maybe you don't agree with any/all of the suggestions - and they were just off the toppa my head - which is scary... but it just seems it's getting tougher and tougher to simply "make it" in our world today --- and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Our priorities are skewed - our moral fiber is weakened - our resources are dwindling... we gotta change - or go back - or sumpin. This message will self destruct in fit-teen minutes. Happy day... bye bye now... The Whiner.


Anonymous said...

You are so awesome Victor!!!! I agree with you 100%!!!! Have a Fantastic Friday!!!!


Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.