Wednesday, March 09, 2022

We need more lime and coconut......

Ifn's I was Captain Kangoroo, I might start with:

Good morning boys and girls.  Today, we're gonna talk about struggle.  Do you, boys and girls, know anyone that struggles?

Yes Mr. Moose.. I see you have your paw raised, please tell us of your struggles...

"Well Cap'tn, for many, many years you've helped me with those Ping-ping knock knock jokes - you know, I'd say knock-knock, you or Mr. Greenjeans would say who's there, and I would somehow work into the punchline 'ping pong', and outta the sky a kajillion ping pong balls would drop. It was kinda funny. Now, though, I'm older.  I can't help pickup all those ping pong balls.  I kinda feel more like I should maybe be doing 'Moose walks into a bar' jokes instead.. but ya know, dropping beer cans outta the sky wouldn't be prudent, and, besides, I can't fit my dadgum antlers through the bar door anyways.  If you have any suggestions on where I should turn, I'm all antlers."

Wow Mr. Moose, I'm sorry, please give us some time with that one.   Yes, Mr. Greenjeans?

"Well, I've never said anything before, but it's getting really old wearing nothing but green.  I mean, that's my name, so I really can't change, but, the only time I'm really cool is St. Patty's day.  Sorry to come outta my green closet and share this, but I'm struggling."

Wow, I'm very sorry Mr. Greenjeans. Again, we'll think on that one. Yes bunny?

"Cap'tn, I loves me them big pockets  you keep my carrots in, but a couple things. One, I'm sick of 'em, and two, I can't control my eating.  I eat a hare too much.  I've been wondering if we could gather and say a little prayer, you know like "Lettuce pray for rabbit...there's no bunny we'd rather help."

Wow, we can do that!

Oh, Oh, I see in the audience someone raising their hand.  Yes Victor?

Thanks Cap'tn.  You see, I work at a golf course.  Everyone EXPECTS me to be real good in golf.  Well, I guess I'm ok, but I kinda struggle with my woods... and, I almost always shank my irons.  Chipping, pitching, huh uh, real bad.  I got the yips putting,  I feel like I'm in a hole for one."

Wow, that is unfortunate, any other struggles Victor?

Brb, getting my list.......... ahem.  I suck at money.  I spend it before I even get it sometimes. Banks no likey that.  All them Facebook posts where they list 40 different foods, "which ones don't you like" well, usually there's only about three that I really like.  Fish, patooey (and that includes shrimp, crustaceans I think they call 'em.) My friends make fun of me.

Wow, that it?

No, I'm getting fat(ter). I drop things on the floor and I hate (ok, have trouble) bending down, so they stay there for several days. My dating life is "Crickets".  My ear hairs grow faster'n I can pull 'em. The Check Engine Light is on in my 2006 Caddy.  And, there's some things I prefer not to share with kids this morning.

OK.  Enough funnin', that is, if deemed that was fun.

Struggle is real.  Over the years, in talks with good, good friends, I've admitted struggle in many aspects of my life. Often, to my surprise, good friends will then share something they've struggled with, and I swear to goodness I always think "No, not you!  You are SO together!" And they are, but the point is:

We all struggle. Some, more than others.  Some, won't admit it.  Some, get help.  Some, don't. Life, while richly rewarding, is indeed a struggle. We see all the time, reminders "we never know the struggle of others" - and we don't. 

I struggle because I don't wanna sound like a preacher, again, I'm here for me, others are welcome here.  Or, as I might say to a young sapling, "I hate when old people give advice, BUT......"

We can be as beautiful to people as a rose, without the thorns.  We can stall for a moment, in reply. It's been noticed, smiles bring smiles.  We can do that.  We can walk with the knowledge "everyone struggles with something" - and simply treat them as we desire to be treated.

If it was as easy as putting the lime in the coconut and drinking it all up, we'd buy more limes and coconuts. (I would suggest a lime with your Corona though, yum.)

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths."  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Well said Elisabeth.  Many, most of us, still might be working on, or needing help with, finding the way out of those depths. 

May we walk with a handshake, a fist bump, a smile, a hug and show love.

Oh, Cap'tn.. we never asked about your struggles?

I'm SO GLAD you asked.  See, I have an image problem. People STILL think of me as Clarabell the Clown from Howdy Doody.. and sometimes, people can say mean things.. like one time someone said if I dyed my hair brunette I'd look like Moe.  Disconcerting, all.

Hang in there big fella, you're a good man.... as all are.

Love, Victurd

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