Thursday, March 17, 2022

I thought love was only true in fairy tales......

Life is full of moments.

Fun moments. Blah, mundane moments. Joyous moments. Proud moments. Shiver me timbers moments.

Shiver me timbers. This saying found fame in the 1950 adaptation of Disney's Treasure Island. Long John Silver uttered it in his native west country accent to exclaim shock and surprise.

The word 'shiver' is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as "to break into small fragments or splinters" while the "timbers" refers to the wooden support frames of old ships.

So, the saying 'shiver me timbers' was most likely alluding to the shock of a large wave or cannonball smashing into the ship and causing the hull to shudder or split asunder. (or, so says

Impactive.  Wake up, did you hear that? Oh mercy NO.  I can't believe it.  My eyes are open, as are my ears.

Of late, we've had all too many of those damn moments. 


The large wave or cannonball smashing into the hull of the ship known as the people of the United States, ie, Democrat, Republican. et al.

Presently, Putin's unconscionable destruction of Ukraine and the people therein. 

On a more personal level, at least for me, there have been two others of late.  After the first, I did a blog "It took me 69 years..." (to basically say I'm sorry.)  It was in response to a question I'd asked on our High School graduating class site.  "Who among us went to school in Liberty every year, ie, K thru 12?".. Many answered, "I did".. "Moved here in 3rd grade" etc.  But one girl answered "I couldn't as Liberty wasn't integrated, but I did go 1st grad thru 12."  A shiver me timbers moment.  I tried, as best I could, to respond in that blog.  We 'saw' the unequal treatment back then, but really never said anything.  For sure our bad.  There's no going back,  but it's never too late to say "I'm sorry."  It truly tears me up that others, for that specific reason, don't have as fond of memories of my hometown - but I most certainly understand.

Then, the other day, I did a blog where, when we changed the clocks for Daylight Savings time, 'what if' we woke up, and we were temporarily taken back to our Senior year in High School.  I truly don't like when someone tells a story and they preface it with "I've got a fun story to tell" - as my take is, "first you tell the story, then we'll decide if it's fun or not." That said, for me anyways, it was kinda fun to 'go back' and relive those times.

But then...

One of the responses was "If only... to be in with the popular kids and they'd be ok with that." Shiver me timbers. How does one respond to that?  I'm not really sure.

Children, are a work in progress. Yes, some of the behavior of youth will be written off as "Kids will be kids" - things like magic marker on the walls, caught cheating in school, getting caught sneaking out, etc, etc.  Yes, some, much of what happens n the lives of children will go through the necessary filtration between youth and adult - so future errors, poor behaviors, unequal treatment, are hopefully corrected, wiped out.  Exclusion in life, is certainly not very progressive.

All the more reasons for us earthlings to make love, not war. Another reminder, wake up call that we simply never know what's going on in the lives of others.

Life, truly, can be oh so hard.  Hard can be reduced by us all being kind.  Nice.  Smiling. Checking up on friends, loved ones, "are you ok?" And of course, having the ability to overstep pride and say "I'm sorry."

I am very sorry this person feels that way.  Love should be abundant. Exclusion sucks, big time, and perhaps keeping that in our forefront can make us better down the road. Worse, is exclusion with intent.  It's sad but it still goes on today. We must teach our children better.

When you need sunshine and you get rain, don't give up.

We should all be believers that we can do better.. Said, I'm a believer, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (I'm a believer) Said, I'm a believer, yeah (I'm a believer)I said, I'm a believer, yeah (I'm a believer)

Peace out,

Love, Victurd

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