Tuesday, March 15, 2022

A day in the life.....

Much in life we take for granted.  Freedom is probably the biggest. The present War shakes us to remember thanks.  Thank you thank you thank you.  We don't see so many WWII ball caps any longer - but thank you.  The Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom. Thank you, thank you, thank you.  It cannot be said enough.

Can you imagine stepping on a train (those lucky enough to avoid bombings to get to the train.)  Leaving what life you knew, perhaps forever.  Leaving fighting men, 18-60 behind.  All the belongings you have are now in one suitcase.  Four dresser drawers and four closets, all compacted into one suitcase.

I, and we all, perhaps slovenly, sit at home with the remote in hand.  Sports?  CSI?  Documentary?  Reality TV?  Mayberry RFD? National Geographic?  Discovery? Perhaps we're bored and we try one, then another, and yet another.

Then we tune to CNN or Fox or MSNBC.  Good Lord.

The train.  The children of men who are widowed.  Who helps them, takes them, cares for them? Those unable to travel on their own - children in a hospital, elderly in retirement homes.  Who cares for them now?  Surely medical personnel have families too.  How can they sleep, knowing any moment they too, and their loved ones, might become a bombing victims? God, please Bless them.

We can turn the channel, and I admit I do as it gets so, so very depressing to watch.  Unimaginable. 

Arriving (hopefully) in a Country where you are safe, but you don't have employ, a bed, a son, a husband, a father.  You must find a way to communicate without speaking the language of the Country you are now in.  Can you trust these people?

The banks.  Is the credit card any good. my child needs shoes? There's not much in Savings, but can I even get to it, and if so, is it any good? I wonder what will happen now to Charlie, our 4 year old golden retriever, and Sam, our 14 year old Maine Coon.  It was heart-wrenching to leave them.

My phone is my communication to all.  How will I charge it?  Will it still work?  How will I pay for it?  I have to have it so we, family, all, can continue to know our outcome.

We change the channel but it does not leave our mind.  Imagine being there.

Everything is uprooted.  Your home.  Your neighborhood.  The children's schools.  Your employ. Your extended family.  Your own nuclear family.

Worse, why?  Destroying a Country, a people.  People who will not want to live there under your helm. Infrastructure that will never be built back sufficiently in your (Putin's) lifetime.  Why?  What end?

Get those damn reporters out of there!  Pray for them, I cannot imagine.  We don't need them there. It's not right to send them there.

Change the channel.

Can't, we're there. There is blood. There are bodies.  So, so many unaccounted for.  Are there police, firemen - or are they gone?

Is it possible to relate, have, say, Kansas City being bombed?  Jefferson City - are my relatives there OK?  If I take this train ride to Canada to be free, will I ever see you again?  How will I know my son, grandchildren are safe? Will any know English or is where we are going French speaking only? Where will I sleep tonight?  Next week?  Next month?

They are closing in on DC?  It's over, it's really over.  Life, as we knew it, no more.  It's only a matter of time now before our Country is at the hand of a madman.  Sure we'd love to live in our own homes, have our old jobs, drive the cars we had, have our husbands, fathers, grandfathers back.  We can't.  Leaving is the only option.  Praying, we, husbands, wives, fathers, children, grandparents, grandchildren will all be safe - hopefully united - even if it's in a foreign land where we land with nothing, only to hopefully start anew.

It is impossible to fathom.  I, we are so thankful for our free land. 

God Bless those now, and those before, fighting, keeping our freedom intact. It can't be taken for granted any longer.

If only we could change the channel, wake up and have it all be a dream, but it's real, and it's real, real sad.

I leave my outside light on all night.  Every morning I go turn it off, turn the living room light on.  I just did. i will never ever take that I'm able to do that for granted again.

One man, uprooting the World. It's got to end.

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