Friday, January 28, 2022


I don't have a job.  Well, I do, but it's only part-time.  I have a blog. Sometimes it can be a pain in the butt like sitting on a tack. Or, waking up, staring at a gosh darn humongous zit (ie, thinking of an idea for a new blog) and you wonder wheninthehell it will pop.

This morning, I could think of nothing. That's not totally true, I was gonna do one on affliction and entitle it Been Afflict(ed)... So I read (quickly) about Been Affleck... Interesting, to me, his dad was an aspiring playwright who was mostly employed (carpenter, mechanic, bookie, electrician, bartender, janitor. - at Harvard) His father was very diffcult (severe, chronic problem with alcohol.."I recall him drinking all day, every day." There was relief, when Ben was 11, his parents divorced.  His dad's spiral continued, he became homeless. Happy to report, when Ben was 16, his dad entered a rehab facility, continued to live there for 12 years to ensure he stayed sober, and even became an addiction counselor there. So that, about Ben, oh, and.... paragraph too long Victor, start anew... OK...

Back to Ben.  He was good friends with Matt Damon.  Uh huh, since he was 8. Matt was two years older.  They even traveled together to NY for auditions.  Shared a bank account, saved for train, plane tickets.  That's all about Ben.  The point of the blog was to be about people, dealing with affliction, i got sidetracked, the mark on the chalkboard indicates this is the 12,742nd time that's happened whilst attempting a blog.

Whack-a-mole. Tubthumping, Chumbawamba was the next thought... about getting knocked down to get back up again... even read about James Taylor's Fire and Rain song (Depressing, DON'T read the song meaning)... then I thought "nah"..and think somewhere buried in 1,788 blogs is one similar.

Hacksaw.. Hacksaw Ridge.. that'd be a good one..  but nope.. I so respect and honor all that have been in war, whoami to write about it.


Nothing ain't a bad subject I guess. I even scoured the lyrics of "Nothing from Nothing". Man, Billy Preston WROTE somes songs I'm tellin ya (yes, Nothing from Nothing...Will It Go Round In Circles..Don't Let Me Down and Get Back of Beatle's infamy..  Then again, his lyrics in Nothing from Nothing included  "you gotta have something if you wanna be with me."  Nah, me no likey.  I'll stick to just writing about nothing.

What are you doing?  Nothing.

Waddaya want to eat?  Nothing.

Where do you wanna go?  Nowhere.

Victor, what's in your bank account?  Nothing.

EXTREME noise from the children's bedroom.  WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?    nothing.

He's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land making all his nowhere plans for nobody.

What'd you do yesterday?  Nothing (fancy for old, Covid, no mon no fun, tired, bored, not innovative, etc)

I love me some crosswords puzzles, but oft times, I can think of nothing that fits, and nothing doesn't fit.

Sometimes, NOTHING is very good.  Sitting on a beach.  A bench, watching kids play. A lazy river ride on a raft, destination nowhere.  The easy chair.  No words said, but a look at/to a loved one.

"There's nothing to eat" doesn't compute for this fat man, as I know good and well in the fridge there's lasagna, sirloin wrapped with bacon, thick, scrumptious pork chops, tapioca and chocolate pudding, extra sharp cheese, and five bags of Chex Mix ontoppa the fridge.  Hey, they were on sale 5 for $5.

What's new in your world?  Nothing.  Oh come on, this is boring.  OK, then, what are you wearing? HA, gotya! 

I think I can remember back that far when wearing nothing was kinda fun.

How'd you golf?  Eh, nothing to write home about.  How was softball?  Oh for six (ie, nothing). Bowling?  Surely you hit a damn pin.

Retirement makes nothing fun. I don't mean that in a bad way.  Doing nothing, planned, is a very good thing.  Doing nothing means no have to's, doing whateverinthehell ya wanna.  If two are retired, I guess you could call that next to nothing. Wearing nothing hopefully at some point.  Mind outta gutter on 'point'.

LISTEN! (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh).. I don't hear ANYTHING!  Exactly the point.  Ain't nuthin' special?

I'd better run, I've got nothing to do.  I wish nothing but good for you.  TWO visitations in two days.  Sucks. Go, do, see, love, hug, handshake, high five, fistbump - before you have nothing.

By Henry Gibson     Forward by Casper, Shoeless Joe Jackson, Christmas Past, PacMan, Moaning Myrtle, Anakin Skywalker, The entire cast of Lost.. and Boo.

Love, Victurd

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