Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I'll take a dozen please........

My brain.  Your brain?  My brain is, would look like--> all the bouncing here there back again like a game of pong.  Woahhhhhh, down feller, concentrate on one thing!  Rubbish!  I'll do what I want!  Well... thoughts of a blog this morning.

Rebel.  Do a blog about 'rebel.'.... Maybe about leader/follower...howabout sheep?  I actually Googled sheep.  There are some misnomers about them....but mebbe a blog for another day. Oh, one thing, their eyes.  We can look peripherally at a range of about 155 degrees.  They're right around 270.  OK, two things. Contrary to belief, they are pretty darn intelligent.  Vely cool, but also vely boring blog idea.  Baaaa'hd idea.

Howabout important, ie, what's important.  Rather than think for my self, baaaahhhh, I Googled. Someone wrote these 12 things:

1. Health

2. Family

3. Friends

4. Love

5. Purpose

6. Passion

7. Wellness

8. Education


10. Water

11. Food

12. Sleep

My whole life I've listened, intently I hope, most of the time.  I'm HUGE on "Nuh uh", which prolly ain't a good thing.  I look at the list and I think "yeah but, but what about ______ and _____ and _____?"

Like money. I probably be po' because I don't/didn't think about the importance of money in our lives. But it is.  Damn important. It plays a large role in what we do, where we go, what we wear, where we live, what we eat, yada.  Yum, hamburger $4.99 a pound?  Gimme a 10 pound roll please!.. Money. Impo'tent, which, is slang talk for important, and not to be confused with ED, which some of us... er.. some older men get.

I don't see fun up there?  Victor, you're really an idiot.  You read #1 about Health, then as you scrolled down, you flippantly read all 12, then you went back and thought "Ain't Health and Wellness the same thing?"  Well, kinda sorta.  They write (about Wellness) "Besides having a healthy body, it's essential to have a healthy mind.  Luckily, we live in a time when mental wellbeing is at the forefront, and those who struggle with any mental health disorders are being given the treatment and care that they need to lead a happy life."  Nuh uh. Oops.

Editor's note. I do that (Editor's note) because it's my blog. You too could have a blog.  ABC, it's as easy as do re mi, ABC, 123 baby you and me girl. No, that ain't exactly it, but you know what I mean.

I ain't real sure we, our world, get the necessary mental health support we need. One, we gotta admit a need for help.  Two, I always assumed counseling was extremely expensive (which it is)... Oft times it's up to the family to request/demand/urge/prod a loved one to get help, and that's tough.  And I think oft times Dr's (some) prescribe (especially to children) "just give him this, he won't do that." - which, leads us back to baaaaaahhhhh, sheep.

Moving on.  Selfishly, important to me is free time. THEY say about time "Having the ability to value time really matters. Time is precious and priceless, and it should be taken advantage of. When we have a good understanding of time, we can form good habits and structure our daily activities."  I call BS, time out, stymie halt, wait-a-minute, hold the phone (why do they say 'hold the phone'.. you ever given someone your phone and said "hold the phone?"  Nuh uh, me neither.)  Don't shoot me, but "form good habits and structure our daily activities" sounds like a bunch of den mothers comprising a list on the importance of time. VICTOR, you MISOGYNIST!  Criminy, here we go again, NO! Nuh uh, I ain't!  OK, howabout, it sounds like a group of male principals working on curriculum. VICTOR, you ass, that's even more misogynist, ya don't think WOMEN can be principals?  You speaky with forked tongue, if you longtime blog reader here, you would know my most favorite boss ever was a FEMALE Principal.

Point is, time to me, is personal.  Take/do, what you want with it.  Color me lazy, I like quiet. I can be happy just sitting in an easy chair... by a pond, lake, river... happy as a lark. Take your structure and go jump in a lake. Before you do that, sit there first for awhile. See how peaceful that is?  Uh huh, what I thought.

What else did they miss that's important?  Honesty.  Humility. Being Kind. Being Nice.  Howabout Giving? Thanking.  Appreciating.

And of course, howabout "Storing all your damn usernames and logins here so you'll have something easy to go back to,." not to mention "keep track (here) of all the bills you pay by checking account versus card, because accounts can be compromised, then it's a pain in the ying yang."  I jest, but kinda sorta. Speakinowhich, where on the body is the ying yang?

Laughter, both seeing and participating.  FUN. Our Freedoms.

I'll go.  I don't want to take up any more of your structured time.  Oops. my baaaaahhhd.  Can you think of anything else to add to the list they gave us?  It's important to me to know what's important to you. Trust me.  (Hey, there's another...  Trust.)

Your list?

By Henry Gibson..    Forward by all the "Don't you know who I am" important people you run across in your life time.

Love, Victurd

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