Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wouldn't it be nice if.........

"Be honest, be nice, be a flower not a weed."  Aaron Neville

Nice is one of my favorite words.  Can one write an entire blog about 'nice'?  (It would be nice if it's possible.)

Holy smokes the things one learns when you're old, time on your hands...or, as onea my favorite buddies announced after I'd posted something really stupid (but funny to me) "Victor, you need a hobby."  Hehe, mebbe I do.

Where was I?  Oh yeah, nice.  I do these silly blogs on a specific word... and before I begin writing I do TONS of research (5-10 minutes at least) on the definition of the word.

I selected Merriam-Webster's definition.  Their site said "Since 1828", so I asked myself "it would be nice to know howintheheck they make any money today since they give definitions for free?" (Then I saw the ad for 30% off at Academy Sporting Goods [nice!] and answered my own question.)

Where was I again?  Oh yeah, nice.  It took me a full cuppa coffee, a Rolaid, and a trip to the john (TMI I know) to get over the fact the word nice is derived from the Latin word 'nescius', meaning ignorant.  WHAT?  That aint nice.
Merriam, for want of you to keep ona reading the ads on the RH column, contined that nice means: dissolute; coy, modest, diffident, reticent; fastidious; marked by refinement; requiring meticulous choice; requiring or marked by delicate discrimination; lacking vigor or endurance; trivial. WHAT?

Yep, turns out the word nice is 'polysemous'.  Being the academic that I'm not, I thought it was referring to a type of softball I usedta play with that was made of  polyurethane.  No, that tweren't it.  Polysemous means MULTIPLE MEANINGS.  Whew, thank goodness.

S'more Merriam "pleasing and satisfying; enjoyable, attractive, or delightful; well-intentioned; mild, pleasing, clement (of weather); well or appropriately dressed."  THAT'S what I'm talking about.  Nice!

You have a nice smile.

That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.

Wow it's nice out (to which onea my old fishin' buddies would reply, "yeah, I think I'll leave it out.")

The Bubba table. Quick recap:  a group of guys that gather, that are a hunnerd percent responsible for butchering past relationships, so, we gather, and berate the ones that left us. Hehe.  Anyways, we meet in a public place, and occasionally a lovely lass will walk in and one might hear "Wow!  She's got a nice........"  Well, you know.

Now, before we're all completely labeled misogynists (being the academic that I ain't, I learned that word not long ago.)

Where was I? Oh yeah, you women who are reading have - in your brain - completely labeled us 'nice' Bubbas as male piggies.  Oink.  BUT. Or BUTT, however you wanna write it, WE KNOW YOU TOO can be piglets.  An ole girlfriend, explaining her take on 'a nice looking man', used the expression "I'd buzz 'em in."  TOUCHE', and wipe the misogyny from your molars, brain cells!

That's a nice car.
I like you, you're nice.
I had a nice time.

"The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is, just be nice to everyone and always smile."  Ed Sheeran

Nice take Ed. How profoundly wonderful would it be if we could all follow that.

Ya know?  Some do.  Scratch that. Many do.  I dunno about you, but I've noticed packed funerals are almost always associated with "He/she was such a nice person."

Wow.  Life, reduced to..... no, them ain't the correct words.. Life, enhanced for all of us around, because of niceness.

"When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second.  When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour.  That's relativity."  Albert Einstein

Nice day. 
Nice time.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to know.
You look very nice.
The nicest thing about her is that she never criticizes us.
Nice hot bath.
Nice long walk.
Nice work!
Nice one!

Merriam, just to the left of an ad for "The Non-Surgical Knee Relief Seniors Swear By" says that some writing teachers BAN using the word nice. "It was a sunny, mild day" is more specific than "It was a nice day."... or, "Our librarian is funny and patient" insteada "Our librarian is nice."

I dunno.  I kinda like plain ole nice.

One person, one moment at a time, being nice.

That's powerful.

Have a nice day

By Henri Gibson (Nice, France)

Love, Victurd

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