Tuesday, November 27, 2018

I'm positive... I think...

Our secret: I have socks in my underwear drawer that are supposed to be in the sock drawer. I cannot find one of my three plastic ice cube trays. (How does one lose an ice cube tray?)

Saturday's newspaper, and the breakfast sack from Mickey D's on Sunday are both probably on the floorboard of my car. Borrowing the phrase from my favorite NFL coach "It's how I roll."

Like the all too recent blowing snowstorm, hopefully you get my drift. Thus, I will never "get it all together" to write a book. If I did though, I think the title would be "I'm positive, I think."

I try, honest I do, to be creative here. To me though, it's like a recipe - if you don't stick to the ingredients of a good recipe, it will taste like yuck. I keep trying to thinka all these new ideas (recipes) to write about - and it all comes back to one word: nice.

I know, I know, I just did a blog on nice - but you're stuck. All I could think of during insomnia today was "What's common with the folks I REALLY REALLY admire?"

Pick a few folks out that you admire. What do you find about them? We're all different, but when I stopped to think this morning about the folks I'd love to pin a "you're a wonderful person" medal on, the similarities stuck out like a thumb that'd just been placed in chocolate pudding - yum.

My take (again, you're stuck... and I'm positive, I think.)

First, they never say "Howya doing?" Oh, they do, but they do so in such a creative way it makes ya think "wow, this person cares about me...so I'm gonna tell 'em what's going on in my world." "Well Bubba, life is pretty good, in spitea the fact I've got socks in my underwear drawer, an ice tray is missing, and I BADLY need to clean my car out."

And ya know what? THEY LISTEN. Cause they're good at that. All those people that I REALLY REALLY admire. So, we're up to two things: they CARE, and they LISTEN.

I on the other hand, fall into the 'blab away' category, way-way appreciate them asking how I am, but DAMNIT, I forgot to ask how they are!

That's the way admired people roll. You'd never know if they're broke, feeling ill, cried earlier in the day, been thru disappointment with a friend or loved one... they somehow have a way of tucking that all in their back pocket, then, pointing the headlights on you to inquire of your well being. And they listen.

Where were we? Oh yeah, at two:(CARE AND LISTEN). A 3rd I noticed, they PAUSE. I listen to talk radio a bunch. Idiots like me call in, say stupid stuff. Thus, they have a 5 second delay as well as a dump button. Admired folks, they have that 5 second delay, and it allows them to dump any reply they might think - but would never say because it might be harmful to you (or me)
Pedestal. They plopya up there, and then catchya if ya fall. They have a way with that. I am biased about my sister. She had a way. The whole fam damily would hop in the car, she'd CARE, LISTEN, PAUSE - then we'd eat, she'd tell the waitress "I'm getting this," and on the way home she'd pump you up, put you on that pedestal, thank you and thank you and thank you... she had a way to flip flop things (wonderfully) to where you felt good because it seemed like you did her a favor. It wasn't until you'd hopped in your car, driven a few miles down the road before you realize "WAIT A MINUTE! She picked up the tab, she cared, she listened, she paused, she put us on a pedestal, she wonderfully tricked us again!"

Looking at my fingers, so that's 4...: Care; Listen; Pause; Uplift. Adding a 5th: CONSISTENT.

Me? I'm allover the board. On the days where I've fixed the sock problem, found the ice tray, cleaned my car --- then, I can't find my left boot, my chewing gum lost it's flavor on the bedpost overnight, I knock over my change jar on the way to the bathroom.. I flush...uh oh.. "now whereinthehell did I put that damn plunger?"

Not them admired folks. Oh, they may have all them problems too, but you'd never know it. You can depend on them because they are consistent.

Care; Listen; Pause; Uplift; Consistent.

Last one for today that I've noticed (Thank goodness Victor, I was starting to feel a nap coming).. HUMOR. They use that. They enjoy that. You couldn't wipe their smile off even if you used a plunger. Found it. Eww, sorry.

I was gonna name some names (I think I did mention my buddy Bubba up above) but the list is too long (OK, what the heck, a few: Bubba, CJ, Joyce, Pup, Randy, Vanda, tons more). This blog ain't about me. It's about life. I am certain you too have quite a lengthy list of folks you REALLY REALLY admire. We're lucky ain't we?

I'm positive, I think. Off to find my damn boot,

Love, Victurd

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