Saturday, November 03, 2018


Color me a word freak, I'm ok with that.

Care is, can be, a most marvelous word, thing.

Modifiers of the word care, can be, really scary. "I don't care." "Nobody cares." "Intensive care." "Hospice care."

There's a kajillion ways a blog on 'Care' can go... and I know it may be hard to believe, but I (mosta the time) Google and Google and Google in attempt to hopefully make this semi-entertaining, provoke thought either in agreement or not.. and hopefully sometimes make someone smile.. I care, I guess, so to speak.

I found one article by a man who was having some mental illness difficulties.. He was in a psychiatric ward many years ago.. "nobody brought flowers... I had one 'get well' card from my mum, and it got ripped up by another inmate." He was/is of the belief most people tend to stay wary of how best to show your care for those going through emotional hell, and asked "Why?"...

"That your good intentions may be misinterpreted?...May cause additional offence?... Flowers too crude?.. Beware though, there are phrases to avoid.. like 'cheer up', 'be positive', or, 'how wonderful the world is if only you could see it." He deducted "I will actually bite you in the balls, or wherever, if you say anything like that."

He finished with "If you are worried about a loved one who has mental health problems, don't be scared to show you care. Send a card, send flowers, send a little of what is in your heart. You may get it wrong. And if you do, use it to explore what it is you can do or say next time that helps. But in fact, your caring may help do a tiny bit to prevent a next time."

IE, show you care.

Had the privilege of riding in the car recently with a loved one. For a fair bit of the ride, she professed to worrying about whether or not she was being the best Christian she could be. Sure, I'm biased as this is a loved one, but, she is a marvelous woman. Puts God first. Loves any, all. I know I've mentioned before my lack of academic prowess (C+ average in HS, I had a 1.6 my first semester in college, HEY, in my defense I left Maryville, MO on a Thursday EVERY week so I could see my girlfriend, Friday classes be damned! IE, I guess I cared, but didn't prioritize).. Where was I.. Oh yeah, I was basically relating "I ain't that smart" but I think I hit it head on when I told this loved one in the car "Honey.. to me, the most beautiful word in the English language is 'care'. You care.........(s'more...)

"Having care for virtually any endeavor, for any person, thing - darn near almost always ensures success."

In the 1700's, many Scots-Irish migrated to what has become the United States as they tried to escape war, religious conflict, poverty, drought, conflict. (Victor, this blog is really bouncing around topic-wise.. I know, hang tight).. In the 1800's, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes for the US, fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, famine - and, it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity.

I do not know how to solve present immigration woes in the US today. Earlier today on Facebook someone posted "If you care about the throng presently marching thru Mexico to the US, please leave your home address so to they can come live with you." As I read that, I wondered "how/when/why" that person's ancestors came here - and was that the 'Welcome theme' they received? I am gonna guess 'no'.

"Why do you care about Asylum when we can't even take care of our own veterans?"... To that I ask, why must we choose to assist/care for only some?

Color me "bleeding heart" I don't care if you do. To me, that equates to "I care." I'm ok with that.

Much like the dude pent up in the mental institution who indicated certain terms phrases made him want to "actually bite you in the balls", I too get fingernail on the blackboard feelings from things like "Like I said.... I TOLD you.." and "PLEASE listen to me"..

That said, "Like I said.. I TOLD you" and "PLEASE listen to me": "Honey.. to me, the most beautiful word in the English language is 'care'."..."Having care for virtually any endeavor, for any person, thing - darn near almost always ensures success."

This turned political, but it's November, so I ain't really sorry about that, er/or, "I don't really care that it turned political."

Take/give, care.

Love, Victurd

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