Sunday, November 11, 2018

Life...... What's so good about it?

Stephanie and Nick were at a large outdoor function with their toddler Jude this past summer. When it came time to announce to Jude "it's time to go now," there was no fit, no tantrum, no running in the opposite direction of the car. Instead, Jude hugged every single person (complete strangers) within eyeshot.  Dad captured the video, and it's presently at 36 million views.

Public affairs coordinator Jonathan Perman (I know not his party and could care less) started "ACE" (American Congressional Exchange) in 2016.  This program flies members of Congress across the political spectrum to the districts of opposing party members, where they spend the next 48 hours learning about each other's personal lives and their communities.

"Pizza to the Polls" is a non-profit, entirely volunteer run organization based in Portland, Oregon. On November 6th of this year, they arranged to have 10,005 pizzas delivered to folks across the country stuck in long voter lines.

After a dune buggy accident, 13 yr old Alabama native Trenton McKinley was pronounced brain dead. However, after being brain dead for days, just as his parents were preparing to donate his organs, the teen miraculously began moving his extremities. Following three brain surgeries, he is not talking, reading and walking, just two months after his near-fatal accident.

When Trenton Lewis's co-workers found out he was walking 11 miles to work every day in order to provide for his daughter, they surprised him with a car.

A kindergarten class learned to 'sign' Happy Birthday for their hard of hearing school custodian.

Between 1980 and today, global access to safe water sources has increased from 58% to 91%.  Improving water sources worldwide is integral to reducing poverty and increasing food security.

Fifth graders at Maple Grove Elementary, Lachine, Montreal, under the guidance of teacher Peggy Lavery, have helped instigate the "Kindness Matters" project.  All year, they've kept track of their good deeds (ex, holding the door open, playing with someone alone at recess, lending school supplies, sitting with a lonely child at lunch).. Student Matthew Sgrignuoli relates "there wasn't much mean in our school before, but now, everyone has been realizing more what it is and how to express kindness." The school won a $1000 prize on Greater Montreal Day and they in turn donated it to "Dans la rue", an organization which responds to the needs of homeless youth and youth at risk.

"Donated bone marrow to a stranger.  Never met them, never will."

"I knit hats, scarves, lapghans and wash clothes for homeless veterans in transition to getting their lives back on track.  Been doing it for over 10 years."

(Thanks to ";;;;;;

The above is all stolen from the sites above.  It didn't take long to peek to find, and thankfully, there is so, so much more ongoing good we don't, probably never will hear about.

Life, it's good.

Love, Victurd

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