Saturday, June 09, 2018

Word nerd.......

I am that. You?

I am particularly fond of the words reflect and reflection.

As I age, night driving, the reflection of other's headlights drives me crazy. It makes me wanna toss my keys aside to never drive again, then I remember "why, it was just a few years ago I/we ran the 600 yard dash in school." That's a joke son.

Reflection in the mirror proves interesting. Back in the flat belly days, I used 100 Watt incandescent bulbs in the bathroom. You could see a pimple before that sucker ever sprouted. The light didn't bug my eyes and the skin was as glassy as a big lake before the damn boats got on the water.

Thirtysomething, I'm blaming children for droopy eyes, thus, switched to 80 watt.

Fortysomething, taking that first wipe across the face after shaving yielded seeing small 'creeks' of shaving cream - to hell with that, gimme 60 watt.

Uh huh, eventually 40 watt, to the tune of "holy crap, is that really me in there?"

Then, big mistake, everyone else is buying LED bulbs, I might as well too. I dunno why, but ear hairs on men stay in the lobes for years, the baby ear hairs begging to surface, the mommy/daddy ear hairs saying "NO, he ain't sixty yet.. go watch TV, play on your tablet.. we ain't coming out until he hits 60, THEN, katy bar the lobe. And they have, thus, the LED - and that too is fancy for it's getting harder and harder to hit the damn toilet when I pee at this age.

"The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection." Thomas Paine

Enough about mirrors. Well, that's not true - one more. Due to recent tragic passings, I think it should be said "no matter how badly that reflection looks, be it physical, mental, yada - THERE IS BEAUTY IN THAT MIRROR. You are of value - no matter how you think you might not be. Stay. Seek help. Seek friends, they're aplenty. Share of your struggle - ya just might find someone who says "me too, let's work thru this together."

"Beauty is not about who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you give away to save another struggling soul like you." Shannon L. Alder.

As I often do, I took a spin around town after breakfast out this morning. Ah reflection. I do feel fairly lucky to have lived in this 'small town' for as long as I have - as you can hardly go anywhere without something conjuring up a memory of yesteryear. This morning it was the old High School, the City Park, Franklin, topped off by two trips around the farmer's market on the square. Yes, two. That has nothing to do with the lady with simply gorgeous raven hair I caught a glimpse of the first time around. Ok, maybe just a tad.

"I'm a reflection of the community." Tupac Shakur

But ya know, reflection comes in many varieties.. The Military brat - how lucky are you to remember the various places, dialects, friends.. No, you can't take a Sunday drive to see all - but, ten minutes on your back in bed can take you there in a flash. If you've moved a few times, it may be hard to reflect on 'home', but all that have come before - make up who you are now - so, memories, reflections aplenty.

Reflection = past tense. Hold the phone there Gertrude - what we do today reflects on tomorrow. I've heard once or twice, I write to me, for me, hitchhikers welcome. Hold your damn head up Victor, don't be the poor poor pitiful me today, for your reflection tomorrow will liken Lonesome George.

So, later, as I teed up my El Cheapo Golf ball (purchased on Amazon $8.94 + tax for a dozen, free shipping, two days from my laptop to my mailbox) I made sure it was the exact height for it to head 200+ yards ahead to land softly mid-fairway. I swung, it went. It went 100 yards South, then made an immediate 100 yard turn East, only to plop into the large pond adjoining hole #1. Splish splash it was taking a bath. Shout out the dreaded "Oh shit?" Toss the 3 wood in the water to follow it? ("I never liked that club anyways.")

Nah, I laughed. I figured it was an 80 cent loss - but I got to walk to the lake, see my reflection ("hmmm.. a tad wider than in past years Victor" - bite me).. And there I saw more reflection, God's reflections. Gorgeous trees. Blue sky, birds flittering by. The sun that had pitted me out (Sorry, kinda, just trying to give a real look).. splendor. All splendor.

On my way to 'the drop area' to place another ball - I found someone's errant shot, mostly covered up by the grass in the rough. I oould see a 'smiley face' on the ball... grasping it, I turned it over to read the imprinted label - "Life is good."

I reflect, that it is... that it is.

I met a pretty cool dude, same age, out walking the golf course like me (which is fancy for "I love this game, but damn it's expensive, maybe I'll get a cart next time.") My excuse is "I HAVEN'T planned well" -> KIDS: do as I say, not as I do, put away 10% of everything you earn and NO TOUCHY until your ear hairs sprout... His take, "I traveled, played in a band (mostly for cash) all my life.. thus, I've got a very measly Social Security," he continued "I got remarried 7 years ago, never ever played golf before, but her 84 yr old father kept begging me and begging me to play.. so I gave in, and now I'm addicted to it in a very good way."

I've seen him now several times at the course.. I've never had the heart to ask about his father inlaw - but it makes me reflect, makes me thankful for every damn stroke of golf I'm afforded to take.

Life affords a lotta bogeys.. mixes some pars in for good measure.. some dreaded double bogeys, and the very rare eagle. I started to whack the "Life is good" moniker ball, then thought better - tucked it in my golf bag. It's now in my 'change tray' where I also keep my wallet and my car keys, ie, front and center to see daily. A reminder to reflect on the past "Life is good", and into the future, cheer up you sourpuss, "Life is good", you're making your reflection into the future.

Peace out, hit 'em down the middle, or not.

Love, Victurd

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