Saturday, June 23, 2018

Undo...... undid.... undone...

More nerdy fun with words. (Victor, write the damn blog, we'll tell you if it was fun or not.)

Ok, you win. I had a buddy one time that told me he was going to play Chinese blackjack. I fell for it, asked "how, what.. what do you mean?".. "Me Win".. Ha. (Victor, was that discriminatory?). Certainly wasn't meant to be.

Undid. Yesterday, I was so dadgum tired from golf (our college Fraternity annual, 40-some of us), emotionally wrought (in a very good way) with seeing buddies I hadn't seen in awhile(some, since college.) Physically wrought by playing 18 holes, thinking to myself "I wonder how many more years I can do this?"... Bending over 80+ times to place/pickup a golf ball (yes, bite me, 80 was our score for the scramble) I was in mid old person pain. So tired I wore my golf shoes into the house. So tired I did not undo them when I took them off. I know I know, that messes up shoes, so sorry, it's done, can't undo that I didn't undo.

Mooning. Mooning ranks right up there in old people grandeur with cranking the music as one drives.. typing something rather smartass on Facebook, yada. A very good group of friends behind us on the golf course, one of our buddies mooned them. We hear laughter (mostly our group).. and conversation followed in the clubhouse "Damnit (enter David Schwabauer here), we couldn't UNDO seeing that.. we didn't get a single birdie the rest of the way thanks to you." They say "you can't go back", many did, twas a blast and I can't wait until next year, the Good Lord willing.

Undone. I'm reminded of brassiere manufacturers, and the assuredly many times we men have cussed them - as in a fit of passion, ya can't undo the damn thing. Whereinthehell was George de Mestral when you needed him? (He invented Velcro)..

Words leaving mouth, you can't undo. Blurt equal hurt. It's too late, he's gone to far, he's lost the sun, he's come undone.

One of my favorite pastimes (and this could mebbe be added to the old people grandeur list) is to text friends across the room "your zipper is undone." Fun to watch them scramble. He didn't know what he was headed for, and when he found what he was headed for, it was too late..he'd come undone.

Undo of serious nature. Certain we all have them. My two biggest... Sister diagnosed with breast cancer.. first option double mastectomy, second option some type of stem cell therapy, if I remember correctly, red blood cells taken out, then chemo, then red blood cells reinserted. Second option was taken, it did not work. She's no longer here. If only one could undo that choice. (And that was a long time ago, medicine has come a long way so if you find yourself in a similar situation, please explore all choices, for enhancements certainly could have been made in the meantime.)

Second serious.. I wish my sister inlaw never ever got on a motorcycle. She's no longer here. If only one could undo that choice. I had tremendous relationships with each. It was a known (both ways) there was love. That said, one can never wing that word too much, especially with family, and especially in our perceived status of the world today.

This blog went South, and I apologize. I can't undo not being able to attempt humor any longer.

(Victor, closer to the end here, is this where you preach again?).. no, it's where I remind myself and you're welcome to tag along (or not.)

The message (to me) was to be "yes, SOME THINGS you can go back." Obviously, there are some things you can't undo, but I DO go back to simpler times - if not in my brain, in person like yesterday in seeing some buddies I hadn't seen in 42 years. Sure, we look different, walk different, are different - but deep down, there's that little boy/girl in all of us. That, you can't undo.
Go back. A letter, an email, a phone call, a text, A VISIT - go back.. relive...even if only in your own mind.. Someone once said "it does seem like you talk/write about the past a lot." True but... that sentence I just typed is now in the past. Yesterday is now in the past. Going back, however, enhanced my tomorrow.

The song goes:

She's come undone
She found a mountain that was far too high
And when she found out she couldn't fly
Mama it was too late

She's come undone
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I vote yes. The song was written by "The Guess" so what does that tellya? Go. Run. Hop. Jump. Relive. Rekindle. Stoke the fire of memories before it actually is too late and we can't undo not remembering them. Loveya,


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