Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Howya doin?

Much of our lives, we sleepwalk on down the road....

Buddy I usedta work with, I hated (LOVED) him... Every morning, walking in, before I could get "Good morning" to exit from my lips - he beat me to the punch with "Howya doin' Vic?"... I answered, thanked him, and by the time I could get "How are YOU doin?" out - he was half a hallway away.

Facebook one day probably won't even be in the annals of our local County Historical Society.. Victor, NO!? Reader, YES. You wanna impress me, what's your MySpace password?

But it (Facebook) is, our today. Many of us. Many not, many onceinagreat while, but many of us - pretty good frequency. In fact, I told one person - a coupled person, just yesterday "Being single, Facebook has been my sanity, my salvation... I've had too many jobs, went to school too many years, places, there's family, neighborhood kids, yada - it's kinda my quilt of life." It ain't Thanksgiving time, but I give thanks for that.

What's in your wallet (Facebook)?

You never asked, ha, but here's mine. You. Are. Stuck. Well, not really, but you can get outta this and be on your way, I'd certainly understand, and it ain't my intent to Rick Flair WOOOOOOOO and hold ya down on the ground.

Drum roll... My 2018 (and you are most welcome pics aren't included. You see, there's about 20 more pounds of me and I have a hard time fitting all that into one frame. As an aside, you SHOULD see my grandkids though. I am very unbiased, and they are the three most beautiful children on the planet!)

Being an early riser, most days I'm still late to beat one friend to FB. By the time I get the coffee made, eyelids propped open, he's already posted The Daily Bible Verse. I'm thankful for that.

When I mentioned drum roll - it reminded me of a recent vid/meme, where the guy blasting the huge base drum, lost his grip on the mallet he was whacking it with, it flew three rows backward and knocked the violinist chick off her stool. She gathered herself, walked out. I peed my pants. THANK YOU, 2018, for every fun, funny video, meme, saying, that caused me to laugh (enjoy the day), share (meme it forward, fun/laughter, spread fastern' herpes), and uh huh, sometimes even pee my pants a bit. It's ok, we old folks do that, it's just more fun when humor tends to be the impetus.

Friends from school. Thanks to K thru 12, a couple moves before landing in Liberty, and, my SIX YEAR BS path (NWMSU, Maple Woods, finally WJC), a lot of faces from yesteryear. Please know, you remind me of when I had a flat belly, of when I could run, of what we did before the dreaded word 'occupation' came into our lives... memories of some of the goofy things we did will THANKFULLY never to be captured by our Historical Archives, or, the camera/recorder that each and every one of us carry in our palm today. Poor kids today, damn the scrutiny.

Coworkers. I gotta admit, I don't miss work, but I miss my coworkers. FB keeps 'em here. The guy up there above (that always asked me "howya doin?")..well, for a long, long time there was this running thing... his female counterpart at work would go to the copy machine, he would grab her phone, hone in on FB, and post on her page, from her phone "Wow my vag really itches today, does anyone have any suggestions on good creams?"... To which, later in the day, he would run downstairs to the vending machines, she would grab his phone, hone in on FB, and post on his page "I can't believe all those years I wore tighty whiteys.. I've been wearing women's panties now for almost a year and I can't express enough how comfortable they are." (NOW are you getting the idea why the FB produced "Here's Vic's 2018" just don't cut it?)

Family. Mine, yours. There ain't nuttin' better. Sad pics of ones departed, happy pics of one that just started (in life). The turn back in time pics, yum. THAT'S how I remember you, me, him, her.

Christopher Columbus, Juan Ponce de Leon, and Horace Greeley. Here, there, everywhere. Like a "Ha ha Porch Pirate, when you open this, glitter will sprinkle EVERYWHERE"... much the same with friends. I love reading about SoCal, NoCal, the Pacific Northwest, everything inbetween to "Misery" (said lovingly, and I DO love it here), and all the buds down South (YES TX, we know you deserve BIG, special mention), East, Northeast, etc.) Distance causes worry during fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, outages, mass shootings, outbreaks, etc - but how wonderful it is (outside of those scary times) to learn of your life, your everyday path... (yes, even you crazy [sorry, kinda] Upper Peninsula folks. Good Lord I've never seen snow up to my navel.)

All that, and we still ain't even mentioned dogs, cats, horses. Sorry Kim, Randy, Marcie, Cheryl, Tiffany, Rhonda!

What's in your wallet? (ie, your FB quilt)...

2015, it was "Baseaball been vely vely good to me."
2016-17, yeah, wonderful opportunies to go do.

2018 - you brought me every single emotion known to man. Happiness, Sadness, happy tears, sad tears, LAUGHTER, laughing tears, peeing my pants a tad, "awwwww" thoughts when you showed me your new grandkid... holy shit I remember those pics from back in the day when I could STILL run all around the bases AND without having to worry about where the bathroom was in case I haveta pee....

I always had the hots for Shirley.. (sorry Laverne)... but oh how I loved Penny Marshall's movies. She was one talented lady - and of course, tears for her today. Of her legacy, she hoped to be remembered "I just hope you had a good time."... and "I want you to laugh and cry, that's what I do."

Thank you Penny. We did have a good time. We did laugh and cry. Thank you 2018. Thank you Facebook.

By Henry (Merry Christmas) Gibson

And, Happy New Year, love, Victurd

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