Wednesday, February 07, 2018

You can go your own way......

Music, to me, teaches... tells.. relates..

Wiki, the all-knowing of the world (even more so than Snopes, Alexa, Echo, Home, Gladys Kravits, Nurse Ratched, yada) relates "This song was written on vacation in Florida in a house the band rented. By this point, the members of Fleetwood Mac were not getting along very well." Lyrics by Lindsey Buckingham, and supposedly written to bid adieu to Stevie Nicks... added to that frey, John and Christine McVie's marriage was said to be coming to an end. Mebbe why all of this was placed on their Rumours album huh?

Forgetting alla the above........

Go your own way, to me, rocks. We, the boomers of the world, are 'drunk of our own era.' "Best. Music. Ever." "You say you want a revolution?" "Make love not war." Freedom from societal restrictions ("WHY?"), CHOOSE OUR OWN WAY, finding new meaning to life. "WHY NOT?"
I'm drunk with all that. To each, his, her, their own. If conformity works for you, so be it.

Frienda mine was having a discussion with her son, a senior in high school about direction, college, major, minor, WAY, setting the table for life. Scary, yes. Also, very exciting.

Two can jointly go their own way, build the Jenga tower together - and perhaps watch holes develop to the ultimate demise - or, they can brick and mortar that sucker until death do they part. Going your own (coupled) way, obviously for this twice divorced person, is darned difficult - but I know too, oh so rewarding. Going your own way with a side order of give and take thrown in.

One can be whatever they wanna be. Or try. Just watched a brief snippet of a Denzel Washington speech.. "If you fall down seven times, get up eight times." Undaunted.

Sure, sometimes swerves, speed limits, obligatory things happen causing one to conform in the name of putting food on the table, water in the tap, gas in the stove.

"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They are not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do." Rob Siltanen

I likes that Rob, I really likes that.

I'm very thankful for all that served - giving us our freedoms. Unless you've lived in a cave (and more power to ya if that's "your own way") some things in the world are pretty ugly nowadays. Thank goodness Boomers have propelled "why", "why not", "make love not war" and "PEACE" into this millennium.

So, far out young dude deciding your own way. At the risk of embarrassing you, your mom, I'm going to relate some of your conversation:

"It's really hard to decide. I know what I don't like. Corporate jobs feel restrictive and I get a sense that it's more about being used than actually progressing so that scares me." (FAR OUT YOUNG DUDE, THAT'S MUSIC TO BOOMER EARS!)... I love history but also like exploring the questions I find myself pondering daily. Questions like 'What makes a person happy', and 'Do we really know ourselves or do we just know how we perceive ourselves."

Continuing "I've been considering philophy. It's something I consider pretty often. Because it seems hard to translate my passions into anything else in the modern United State's society. I think it is odd we don't seem to produce any great thinkers anymore or any great people at all. You know what I mean?"

Yes, we 'drunk with ourselves' boomers know exactly what you mean - BUT, YOU are a great thinker. YOU, because you're crazy enough (said very lovingly) to think you can change the world, will be one of the ones that do.

You can go your own way......

Love, Victurd

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