Thursday, February 08, 2018

It's only words, and words are all I have.......

Yes, a love song by the Bee Gees long ago...

"Only words" today, in this hurry hurry, hubba hubba fast paced world - get us, others in trouble. We text, get a text back, the person very obviously upset, "NO NO! That's not what I meant, I meant no harm." Or, maybe the other way around, we receive a text, think "WHAT?", get all huffity.. they just underlined huffity meaning it ain't a word. Should be.

Too late, them words 'been throwed.' (Lamberts, home of "Throwed Rolls", ever eaten there? I ain't)

We are a complicated sort. We go thru minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years forming ourselves - have a multitude of thoughts, sentences, paragraphs, pages, chapters, novels stored up in our physical/mental repertoire - and it all gets loused up, bassackwards in a split second text we send or, one we read.

Same with an email. Switching momentarily, ever get an abrupt email from a boss that moves you to "Did you really just say that? Do you have any idea what I/we go thru every day simply to just sit in this chair? Sick kids, sick car, bad weather, relationship woes, headaches, backaches, bellyaches, cash advance receipts we worry we'll won't be able to reconcile before payday, etc., and in a two paragraph email I/we are made to feel the urge to vomit after what you wrote?"

Forgive me Father, I slipped, moved, from misinterpreted to mean. I once worked at a place where I had a boss that shouldn't have been a boss - and one email from her (oops) would make me want to RUN to the want ads, update my resume', get the hell outta Dodge. It's only words, and words are all she had, and they were usually along the line of what a 1960's HS football coach would spout. (OK, maybe I don't need Cancun, margarita, that'll work for today.)

Vented, sorry, kinda.

Back to misconstrued. I'm beginning to think I (or maybe we) should never ever type to another. OH, that's fine Victor, so you write a damn blog after you say that? Yeah, sorry, I guess I do, have, am.

Now, the punctuation ones, to me, are fun. You know:

Let's eat, grandpa.
Let's eat grandpa.

I like cooking my family and pets. (Use commas, don't be a psycho.)

If you don't think punctuation is important, try forgetting the comma when you tell someone "I'm sorry, I love you."

He texted: sleep with me?:)
She replied: I wanna baby :(
Mildly distraught, he texted back: okay.. this is one of those times being grammatically correct is important.

Church billboard:
Best Sausage supper
In St. Louis
Come and eat
Pastor Thomas Ressler

Words are fun, ambiguous, happy, sad, rewarding, condescending, and sometimes scary as hell.

Misplace your cell phone? Call it from your landline, or borrow a friend's cell to call it.
Misplace a comma, mebbe use the wrong word(s)? Prepare for a storm, cursewords, nab a divorce lawyer. Again, goes both ways. <-- SEE? Even that can be misconstrued... aye yai yai...

Mebbe, JUST mebbe, one of the best comps I've received, a buddy was commenting on something that was kinda hard to understand and without saying that he entered "You know, kinda like one of Vic's blogs."

Noun. Verb. Adjective. Pronoun. Preposition. Conjunction. Determiner. Exclamation. Holy Word Class Batman!

Humor: comedy, amusement, mood, temper, nature, indulge, accommodate, pander to, comply with, yada.

The humor of the situation.
He is completely without humor.
The humor of his joke eluded the audience.
The author's humor came across better in the book than in the movie.
To humor a child.
The chef is feeling out of humor again and will have to be treated carefully.
Hell they even spell it another way: humour.
I find no humor in this blog Victor.

Sorry. I'll go now. Call you in a second.

Before I go though, sharing a quick feel good from yesterday. Not a text, an actual conversation. Surprise grandpa show at 1st grade lunch yesterday. Midway thru "has anything special happened today?".. She thought.. shook her head no, then replied "not until just now." Yum.

Tune in tomorrow for "I HATE TALKING ON THE PHONE."

Love, Victurd

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