Thursday, February 22, 2018

Misogyny... Dang me, dang me, they oughta take a rope and hang me...

Thanks. Thanks in large part to Facebook, a couple of guys (David M. and James G.) and a perfect than perfecter 18 month old granddaughter, I've learned more new words of late than at any point in my life.

I also have an affinity for logic. Deduction. Ya read something, ya think something. Kinda like judging I guess, but accompanied by Closed Caption. (As an aside, have you ever watched a thirty minute program and you spend half of it trying to find the damn button to turn off the closed caption? Uh huh, me too.)

Victor, where are you going with this? I guess I'm going to to misogyny: "Dislike of, contempt for, ingrained prejudice against women."

Whoop, 'der it is....... I HATE WOMEN. Got it? Get it? Yep.

I must anyways, according to one soul on FB. Forgive me Father for I have sinned, but I posted something on FB yesterday stating "Sarah Huckabee Sanders needs to get laid." "VERY MISOGYNISTIC" was how I was labeled. Yep, I did, I said, I guess I am that. I said it because I dislike, have contempt for, am ingrained with prejudice against women. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with her waking up to 137 Tweets from whatshisname, then, dressing up to face 68 microphones to explain them. That would be logic, and remember, I hate women.

1958. I was six. I didn't have a baseball glove yet. My dad was a traveling salesman. The best father, but we didn't see him much other than weekends. My mother took a plastic bowl about the size of a ballglove, gave me that and a tennis ball.. walked me out back to the 4 foot high cement wall next to our garage - and demonstrated how to hold the bowl (as a glove) and then throw, bounce the ball off the wall - and catch it with my bowl (glove). But, she was a woman, and remember I dislike, have contempt, am ingrained in prejudice against women.

On top of all that, once I learned to catch, she had the gall to take me out in the front yard and play catch. Once we got to the point where I was catching more than I was dropping.. we moved on to batting. She'd bought me a ball and a bat (oh, and by this time a glove too). She threw hundreds, thousands, kajillions of balls to me so I could learn to hit. I even pounded a couple off her shins, but that's ok, remember she's a woman and I dislike, have contempt and am ingrained in prejudice against women.

(As an aside, she cooked, cleaned, ironed patches on the holes in my jeans that I'd made from playing way too much baseball in the front yard, the game she taught me. Oh, and I remember being even younger - I would cough, and for some reason, she wouldn't take a breath until I was able to. But yeah, scroll to dislike, contempt, ingrained, prejudice. Paint me. Ask Sherwin Williams, I am a misogynist, must be, that one guy said I am.)

Went to my Grannys a lot. She'd get us cousins balls, bats, footballs, helmets, yada, to play in the front yard. She'd bring us Koolaid, take us to town for ice cream, feed us a good dinner, then make a 'pallet' on the floor for us to sleep, tucked us in. She musta taught my mom how to do all that disgusting stuff. I hate women ya know.

Oh, and my sister. Yuck. She MADE ME have fun growing up. She taught me how to smile. Dang woman, she ALWAYS smiled. Women, patooey. Along the way, thru the years, I'd allow myself to call her so she could give me advice on this, that - you know, logic stuff in life. Then, I remember when my son was born and she rented a U-Haul, filled it with toys and pulled up in our driveway. Women, disgusting. Dislike, contempt, I'm prejudiced.

WE CHASED GIRLS on the playground at Franklin. Had ZILCH to do with flirting, we disliked them, had contempt for them, we couldn't spell it back then but we knew we were ingrained in prejudice agin' them. We even allowed Janet Flanigan to play whiffle ball with us in the front yard, but it had everything to do with "she could hit better than us", because remember, I/we, dislike, have contempt, yada, for women.

High school, long ago. As Al says, I played high school football. My freshman, soph, jr years, my Doc wouldn't let me play. Close your ears, I had one testicle bigger than the other, he wouldn't pass me on the physical. One of the dads, each and every year, called me "CHICKEN", but that's ok, I never told him, and remember it's women I dislike, so I was cool. FINALLY, I went to a different Doc my Senior year, he lemme play and lo and behold, the 5th game I broke my arm. Ended up having to watch the remaining games in the middle of the Pep Club with some 100 plus women, all wearing short short skirts - when I coulda been out there on the field breaking my other arm. Yuck, women. Dislike, contempt, ingrained, prejudice.

College. I was a gym rat. LOVED LOVED LOVED basketball, sucked at it. Sophomore year "Vic, Title IV happened, we're starting a women's basketball team and we'd like you to be the assistant coach, wouldya?" I thought "WHY, WHY give women equal rights? Dislike, disgust, comtempt, prejudice".... "OK, I will." The next year, the dude who was head coach had graduated. "Vic, will you be the head coach?" I thought "WHAT? You know my feelings on women, can't you see I'm a... ah... ah... whathesaid, misogynist."... "OK, I will." The creeps, they made me do that for 6 or 7 more years, I forget.

Facebook. In keeping with miso.., you know, in keeping with my dislike, disgust, contempt prejudicial way, I MUST 'friend' some women to make it look good. I'm writing this at 4:52 am, I was very bored a bit ago, so I counted. 50.17% of my 586 friends here are women. ONLY BECAUSE I wanna make it look good. Logical?

And as time passes, there's this one chick, younger than me and we worked together awhile back. I've allowed her to email me over the years as she's needed parenting advice (ha, from me?) oh, and exchanged pics of kids, grandkids, vacations, stories, jokes, yada, but it ain't got NUTTIN' to the effect of 'liking women', having one as a friend..... remember, dislike, contempt, yada.

I've had so many damn years where I've had to put up with bikini's, cleavage, yoga pants... make-up.. long eyelashes..doting, beautiful eyes (SOMEONE ELSE HAD TO HAVE TYPED "DOTING, and BEAUTIFUL", WADN'T ME!).. I've been able to put on a pretty good front over the years.

I'm a misogynist.

Dang me, dang me
They oughta take a rope and hang me...
High from the highest tree...
Woman don't you weep for me... bipp bipp bipp ba dooby dah dah dah...

Paternally yours, love, Victurd

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