Sunday, February 11, 2018

Vitriol... or, Pete and Repeat...

I correctly label myself a simpleton. Growing up, my vocabulary consisted of ball, strike, safe, out, hit, error, run, throw, catch, bunt, single, double, triple, homer- you get the idea.

As I age, and am ever amazed at the extensive vocabulary of folks - in both directions: a) I can't believe he/she used that word in that grammatically incorrect way, and b) Holy crap, lemme run and get Webster.

My longtime friend from HS, when he blogs - I sit at my computer and before ever clicking his blog link, I've got my $29 Cricket cell phone by my side, and in the ready-set-go mode as I just KNOW I'm gonna learn a word or fourteen.

The new one, to me anyways, I'm seeing more and more on folk's posting is vitriol (or vitrioled, vitrioling, etc). I've witnessed this word on both ends of the teeter totter. "Something highly caustic or severe in effect, as criticism." I think that's how you spell it anyways. TO ME, it's all about hatrid (or hating back) for hate.

Whilst I haven't written them down, I've seen a kajillion very unpleasant 'adjectives' spouted at 'they'. Again, the left and right side of the teeter totter - and that, in and of itself, pisses ME off at ME, because maybe that's what I'm doing, indicating only "two schools of thought" thereby falling culprit to 'we/they', suggesting 'mindless, unable to think for self." Shame on me.

Excuse me, I am perfect <-- I never ever said.

What I can relate - is I've done (goofy) short, ten or twenty question psychological pigeon-hole surveys - and the one word that comes up more times than naught is "compassion." I'M NOT SAYING THAT, THE SURVEY THINGY HAS.

Excuse me, I am perfect <-- I NEVER said that, ever.

I abhor name-calling. I abhor "we-they" unless it relates to MU-KU, then hell to the yeah I am all about that. I can't stand denigration, ESPECIALLY when it refers to encompassment, or, 'they'.

That's bassackwards folks, said I, the "Excuse me, I am perfect" <-- I NEVER EVER said that.

My knowledge of politics is very limited, hence the above growing up vocabulary "ball, strike, safe, out, hit, error... yada."

What I do know, hatrid.. vitriol drives a damn wedge into bipartisan.

When I see stuff like "low life" being tossed out, I genuinely wanna regurgitate. (Fun with words, I know what regurgitate is, but I wondered about when food goes down, is it gurgitate? I only found one instance that said so, so I ain't sure.)

So.... we already did the ole "Vargy pitched a great game" bit - and, forgive me Father, that ain't working. When I see name-calling, is it 'compassion' that makes me wanna "NO, NO, NO" in attempt of sticking up for the folks labeled meanly or, some might call it butt-hurt. I'd prefer to think of it as butt-fire, cause it really burns my butt for EITHER side to say 'all encompassing' mean stuff.)

Is it compassion that makes me shout "NO NO NO" (Excuse me, I am perfect <-- I never ever said that.)

Or is it idiocy, maybe Miller Lite that makes me jump in to simply point out name-calling just ain't pretty.

I much preferred baseball, basketball, football, track over debate way back when - but if one were debating me here they might say "Victor, you, in a roundabout way are name-calling the name-callers" and maybe that's just sadly so - so shame on me.

My whole life, I'd avoided conflict like someone using hand-sanitizer today to stay away from this Flu crap.

As I age, I jump right in to defend, point out, "please no 'we-they' "... I'm aware there are two sides, multiple races, differing genders, etc.. WHY must we use horrific descriptors of people of a similar mind, race, gender?

MLK and Mother Teresa, using terminology of today, might say "Chill out Victor. Leave it alone. Counter hatrid with love."

Excuse me, I am NOT perfect <-- there, I said THAT.

I will probably, into the near future, once again forget "Vargy pitched a great game.... Counter hatrid with love" and jump in to defend.

Today's Kansas City Star had a pretty nice article on our up and coming quarterback to be Patrick Mahomes. The entire article lauded this kid. His throwing (there, that word is familiar to me), his work ethic, his 'smarts'... To me though, the best quote was from long of tooth linebacker Derrick Johnson (a 13 year veteran)... his quote was:

"He did a good job keeping his mouth shut and learning a lot." I could certainly learn from that, and color me a name-caller, but so could many name-calling name-callers.

Vargy pitched a great game. Sorry, kinda, butt-fire. Vitriol, patooey.

Love, Victurd

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