Sunday, February 25, 2018

You, and you, and you and you and you and you.......

I kinda vaguely remember this 'cheer' from High School...

"We're gonna beat the (don't remember but it was PG) out of you.. and you, and you and you and you..."

Life is all about you's....
(You said it)..

That I did.

In this case, ain't beating the (whatever) out of whomever (you)... Praising instead..... kinda sappy, but figured you wouldn't mind...

Praising includes the word raising, and that you have...... All of us have had........

You, the blood you. Down in defeat together. THE BEST mems of the you's that ain't no longer around. The best mems from childhood, the FOREVER bonded, blood, together - same team, ancestry, love. Lifelong yous.

The you........ Friends. Some very very close, some, heck, I dunno, living in Alaska, or SoCal, or Virginia, of Florida - that, borrowing from Janis Joplin own "a piece of my heart." We've gone to school together. Played in the same yard as kids. Lived by one another when we each were married to the other (or same)..We winged paper clips at one another over the cubicle wall. You, my favorite (waitress, bartender, cashier, plumber, HVAC dude, mechanic, yada).. Friend/familiarity. Friend/varying degrees. However, YOU have helped me, you, us, GET our degree in life. Help I've fallen and I can't get up - sometimes you helped me, sometimes I helped you. Sometimes we misbehaved, sometimes we felt bad, sometimes we laughed our booties off.

Friend, continued. Oh we've had our moments. Remember that one time you wouldn't talk to me for weeks? Howabout the time I didn't text you back? The time you friends went out and forgot about me (or vice versa)? Somehow, you/we are special. Always have been, always will be. You da bomb.

You, 'the one hit wonder'.. Hello, I love you won't you tell me your name.. we only met once, but dang it was fun. Chatting at the gas station in Carthage.. on the snorkeling cruise in St. Thomas.. seated next to one another that time on the airplane.. the you that held the door for our family of 12... the you that anonymously paid my/our tab. You, the one hit wonder, rock - and I/we thank you for adding to our life.

You, the role model. "Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest forever." (Og Mandino).. Yum. You never lemme/us down. You were a bookmap for finding the proper way to live. You gave, we reaped the reward. You continued giving, long after we were gone. The teacher, the coach, the boss, the owner, the scoutmaster, the preacher, the Sunday School teacher, the bowling instructor........ yum. You taught me how to (enter much here, spell, talk, walk, add, subtract, be nice, be on time, run faster jump higher, love, search, find, yada).. We carry a tiny bit of your traits - we multiply your lessons like the dandelion flower on a windy day (in a very good way.) We say thanks, to you... and you and you and you.

You... you are the sunshine of my life. Well.. hmmm... oh yes, I've been there. Hope you have too. Only the lucky ones can say "And you (sunshine)" and stop. (Me, I'll be just fine and dandy.).. I am very thankful for the yous that rendered me speechless with rapid heart palpitations even be it that one time we laughed on the playground, the couple three nights at The Plaza Theater, that home we lived in for 8 years, 20 years, the kid(s) we have/share... Now I've, had, the time of my life... with you, and you and you and you and you (and mebbe s'more, but you get the picture.)

We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Our worlds would be empty without you. You can't believe how many times - er, well, I guess you can.

You is special. I know that don't sound right, probably ain't grammatically correct, but you is.

I Googled "sentences with you" in them... somehow, they fit:

I love you so much
I remember you very well
We can't keep falling forever, you know
Didn't you feel the ground shake
You and ____ wanted to go
Sorry to have troubled you, but it couldn't be helped
First of all dear friend, tell me how you are.................

You are mankind (and back to that misogynist thingy - womankind). Kinda fitting ain'tyou? "Man kind".. "Woman kind." You are kind.

You are the thread to our holey pants. You are the uplifter that lifts somehow just when we need a lift. You are the one that looks me/us in the eyes. You are the one that occasionally makes me pee my pants. Damn you (just kidding, but, you is crazy!).

Thank you (and you, and you and you and you)
Love, Victurd

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