Sunday, November 12, 2017

Lub dub......

Things that make me 'tick'......

A love interest, showing reciprocal interest (I'm quite practiced in that starting over crap!)

Ron Wilson's video on Facebook where he's feeding pizza to his 8 year old, beautiful white Lab..., in the front seat of his truck. He speaks to her (Lucy) as he holds a piece of pizza in his hand, she lifts her head and howls, each and every time, between bites. This nails down the relationship, the love of the pet owner, the pet and the reciprocalness. (My heart also goes lub dub when I type a word like 'reciprocalness', Blogger underlines it in red as if to say "you idiot, left click and I'll show you how to spell it", so, I left click, there ain't no options, asks if I wanna "add to dictionary?", so....... I Google 'reciprocal' to learn the forms of the word, and right there in black and white you red line underlining ass is the very word, the very spelling: reciprocalness. Lub dub. There are undoubtedly a kajillion Ron Wilson's on FB, but should you search, find, the one in Liberty, MO its' a nice testimony of owner/mankind, or, pet/owner, depending on how you look at that!

A flash mob.

The whistling of the Andy Griffith theme song. Anything Tim Conway does. Ray Charles coming thru the speakers. Lub dub.

A couple I know, 45 years bethrothed (I think) of continued lub dub, she got VERY VERY sick, organs shutting down, life support, unresponsive for a time...we, the people of life, have been thru this crap one too many times, PLEASE NO!... prayers were said, delivered.. recently, said wife was able to write a thank you for those prayers. Lub dub, lub dub, lub dub, thank you Lord (and Doctors, Nurses, technology).

Damn near any pic of a little kid. Modeling clay, being molded into it's own unique persona. Bumps, bruises, broken wings along the way, encompassed by strokes of love - fun all around, learning the hard way, the right way. Teeth to fall out, but too, they do come back. (Well, that is until you get to be an old fart like me, so here's today's dental lesson Sparky: "BRUSH them choppers daily (twice)! Floss!" WHISTLE! Whistle? Hell to the yes, take it from someone who didn't take the best of care of his teeth, has a 3-tooth partial, and now CANNOT whistle, oh, and now has trouble saying things like 'whithle' and 'sthit'. Oh, and tune in again in ten or so years when the topic will be "Pay yourself first and don't touch that damn 401K"... Ha.

I am consumed by Facebook. My friends run the gamut from "Nah, I don't do that, ain't on there", to "yeah.. but I don't get on there very much" to, "I'm just as addicted as you are Victor." Facebook has posts of beautiful, wonderful scenery, from afar, and from folks actually being there, lub dub. Facebook demonstrates people, very nice people, complimenting, saying something of love, to another very nice person, lub dub.

Facebook is a consortium against wrong, ugly, prejudice. Folks, not preaching it, living it. Lub dub. Pictures of those no longer here, yet, our posting only goes to show lub dub never stops, quits, lessens. Discussions about folks either side of the net "agreeing to disagree", but with grace. An example you ask? OK, Ron Cottingham. Even though I'm on the side trying to wing the tennis ball past him, I've never encountered hatrid, namecalling, yada. Nuttin' but respect, the abiity to listen, retort, and do so wisely, maturely. Kudos, and lub dub for folks like that.

Whether you agree or not, weather gives me lub dub (any kind WITHOUT destruction). It's beauty, how it owns your body, the magnitude of it, and certainly the serenity of it . Lub dub.

Coworkers, people that wave at you to go even though they might have arrived at the four-way stop seconds ahead of you. Doorholders, cashiers who lookya in the eye, say thanks and smile, as if they were saying "thanks, I know your dollars spent here help me feed my family." Lub dub.

People who have much, and give to many. People who have little, but find a way to give. Lub dub.

Compliment passer-outers. Teachers that care. Parents that care. Care, in and of itself.

The words "I'm sorry." ALL OF US will one day wing those words. It's ok. Life is full of imperfection, unless of course you are Kirk Gibson sternly telling my 12 year old niece to "HURRY UP" as she nervously points her shaky camera at him. Oops, slipped. I'm sorry. Lub dub to you Valerie.

Oh there's more, tons of it. Thoughts, mems of yesteryear, photo albums, running across a child's 3rd grade Grade Card.

Even seeing an ex out in public, remembering better, fun moments. Lub dub.

Forgive me Father for I have miscalculated. Is it just me, or is there anyone else out there to fess up to being admittedly shallow, hold a person you don't like -for this reason or that reason, for quite some time, then, actually get to know them one day and you admonish yourself with "Damn, you idiot, he/she is a pretty good dude/dudette!" Lub dub, with a baby flub.

Seems to be common themes: care, reciprocality, unconditional, genuine, patience, value of the spoken word, love for mankind (and petkind), and oh yeah, God.

Love, lub dub, Victurd.

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