Sunday, November 26, 2017

Human emotion......

Heavy. Deep. Let it all hang out.

"I wanted to connect my guitar to human emotions." B.B. King

The gamut. Human emotion runs that gamut. I reckon our innards, things like pulse, blood pressure, goosebumps/or lack thereof, lightheadedness, tears, laughter, self esteem, self doubt, happy, sad, mad, glad, PO'ed, lend: life, this is an interesting place.

"We all have human emotions that rob our lives." Jennifer O'Neill.

On the one hand Jennifer, yes. Recently visiting with a shrink friend of mine, "enneagram" (I think that's how you spell it) was brought up - a system to pigeonhole one's personality. "Maybe you are a 9! It's just that nobody hates a 9. Although nines worry a lot about being hated." Dangit, I was nailed. Well, certain some hate me, and as I age, getting better and better in ciphering "that's ok". Still, my emotions can be allover that map when that happens - and I suffer with being unable to control another's perception of me.

Jennifer, to the contrary as well - human emotions ENHANCE our lives. Dana Wright. She's a local radio talkshow person who has THE BEST LAUGH EVER. Her human emotion is UP 99.9% of the time. Fun, funny, happy. She dreamed and dreamed of going on The Price is Right. The day actually happened. She actually was picked. Up she went, to the chagrin of her radio co-host Scott Parks ("you'll never get on there.") . She, standing next to Drew Carey, made it to spin the Showcase Showdown "big wheel." As it spun, Drew asked her "anyone you want to say hello to?" "My babies, and to Scott Parks who said I WOULD NEVER get up here, BOOM!".. "Boom" Drew repeated, and laughed. Well, she won. Standing next to two supermodels, they announced, showed her prizes (A car, trips for two to two countries)... as they did, she jumped up and down like a junior high school cheerleader... it could be heard under her breath as she jumped "I'M PEEING MY PANTS!"... THAT's emotion, and, that ain't robbing, that's enhancing.

Good gosh I love/hate emotion. Balance, I suppose, is best, needed - but man oh man, times can be trying. Then, one gets a feel good, oh baby oh baby, proud, happy, doting, YEAH BABY moment and ya want it to last forever and ever. Of course it doesn't, blood pressure goes down (or comes up) and the ticker settles somewhere around normal - if there is such a thing.

Weirdly, at times in life we think "I deserve so much more than this", as well as, other times, feeling "I'm not so sure I deserve this."

The pen, the mouth, the keyboard. I slip here, all too often - but trying. With pen and keyboard, I find if I get PO'ed, hurt, offended, mad, yada - I go ahead and draft an email...get 8 hours sleep (ok, you're right, 6).. and I take a full day to reconsider what I'd written - and it aways comes out more sugary 24 hours later. The drafted email, however, well serves the purpose of a much needed punching bag, "take THAT you......(enter AH, B, SOB, whatever, here)..."

Conversely, if I've experienced a very nice time, say, like going to World's of Fun and having lots of fun, speed-dial, fastforward, plan, "let's do this, do that..." WOAH Nellie Belle... calm down a bit! Give some time to bask in that feel good.

"I became an actress and studied human emotions so that I could give the gift of feelings to my son. This is what my whole journey has been about." Tisha Campbell-Martin

I really really like that. I am sure you have stories about your mom, or dad. Ben Roethlisberger, QB of the Pittsburgh Steelers really loves his dad. His dad, by demonstration, eskewed "taking care of your family first" on Ben. To the extreme of, his dad wouldn't take a bite at the dinner table until he was certain all had their food, and that they had picked up the fork to start first. My own mother, the kajillion times I coughed in my life, she would hold her breath until she heard me take a breath, then, and only then, would she exhale.

If you happened by today seeking attempts at humor, I'm sorry. This one is about our bodies, 5 hour energy drinks and Sominex all in the same.

Emote leads to exhaustion, self pity, hurt, anger, tears - but then again, to happy, glad, proud, good tears, heartthrob, the best. Either way, it seems you drop in bed - one, trying to get to sleep to get the damn day/thing behind you, the other (happy) you drop because you've stayed up all night stoked on the emotion - and your body simply tells you "you've GOT to go to bed." We need teeter to totter I guess. What fun would rollercoasters be if they weren't uphill or downhill?

"The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it" Nicholas Sparks

I know, time to go.

Happy emoting. Love, Victurd.

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