Saturday, October 14, 2017

You got some change comin'....

The college fraternity I was in (I guess still am, a buddy the other day said "Vic, it's in my veins.").. where was I, oh yeah, my fraternity. It was a wonderful group. Brutal, but wonderful. If anyone got a new haircut, shirt, pair of eyeglasses, car, hell, girlfriend, the moniker was "How much you pay for that?...You've got some change comin."

Reckon we do, that's what life does, it changes.

Dayton/David.. as much as I Love the work ethic, character, defense of Alex Gordon, you've got some change comin'.

Leaves, temps.. driving home in the dark.. slip sliding away.. . change a comin'.

I keep a pair of undies, and a pair of jeans in my trunk just in case a change is needed. VICTOR! Well heck, sorry, as we men age, shrink in height, weight, the dadgum prostate grows, and it PUSHES/taunts the bladder, and ya simply ain't got time to pull into Mickey D's, run/wiggle to the john and go. So, if you ever ride with me, don't drink from the Solo cup under the passenger seat. VICTOR! Sorry, kinda, the story just leaked out.

1961. My wonderful cousin was in 8th grade. (I think I've told this before, but I don't give a rats, because that's one thing that ain't gonna change, me, other old people telling the same story over and over and over again. Right Leroy?) Ha, inside joke. Where was I, oh yeah, 1961, my wonderful cousin in 8th grade. Teacher gave the assignment, "get with a friend, do a rough draft on an invention you could foresee in the future, and bring it in Monday." Monday comes, cousin and buddy proudly march up to teach's desk, present the rough draft about a phone, that you could see the person you were talking to. Teacher handed it back, said, "It'll never happen, work on a different invention."

We've all heard the horror stories about pulling up to the drive up window, snotnose (said lovingly) says "$2.57 please", you hand 'em a five dollar bill and a dime and..... crickets, that lost look. OMG, what do I do now? You make change, change is comin'.

Age, wrinkles, a harder damn time getting in and outta the car. Remembering, as you clip your toenails, "I swear they were much closer to me the last time I clipped them."

Change in cable, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sling, yada. Take your cable and $hove it... Stre-ee-ee-eam, stream stream stree-ee-am.

Marriage. Yep, all relationships end, but didya know 41% of first marriages end in divorce, 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages? Holy guacamole, I'm stopping at two, bless you longtime folks, or, even the ones that got it right a second or third (or more) time.

Change is comin' is music to the ears of a depressed person. Victor, how do you know that? Bite me, Tubthumping, I get knocked down, but I get up again, you are never gonna keep me down. Good follows bad.

I am on this dating site. Victor, are you gonna share dirty laundry? Ahm, no, I already did that, about the 5th paragraph down. I'm on this dating site. On dating sites, you see someone "hmmm, mebbe", ya wing 'em an email.. sometimes they read 'em, ya never hear back, you wing 'em, they never even open 'em. (Ok, maybe she was too young for me.).. This particular day, a really pretty lady, with a WONDERFUL smile, emailed ME. Damn daddy. Turns out, she's a college English professor, oh crap said he the English language butcher. And she's nice as all get out. Did I mention pretty? WONDERFUL smile? So, we winged 22 emails back and forth. Really? Uh huh, really. She's a golfer, likes MU and the Royals (I asked her to marry me in the first return email, ha)..

So.. she suggested golf, "there's a little par three course at such-n-such we could play, would Monday work?" So, being the tightwad I am, looked and it was $36, not bad, but I'm going on Social Security soon, every penny counts.. I went to a golf website, found a special offer for $25 at a regular ole regular course near the town she lives, suggested that. "Maybe we should just meet" she emailed back. Damn daddy. I went from kite to Hindenburg. Didn't respond for a day.. The town she lives in starts with an L as well, but, it ain't Liberty, it's the ritziest town in the Metro, she's probably got three stories, five bathrooms (Hey, that might be good what with my prostrate and all!), wants to travel, maybe move to Florida.. and then there's me.. a one bedroom apartment in an old rickety house, a measly 401K that I worked on way too late in life.. so,

I emailed her telling her how wonderful she is, that how many areas we are oh so similar in, but that I was struggling a bit with self image.. money, lack thereof.. and that she is deserving of a confident, financial equal. Figured I'd never hear back from her again.

VICTOR? Why are you sharing this? Because I am sure there are other people out there who have been (maybe are) down, and that change is a comin'. (Please remember, I write to me, for me, to simply remember life ain't too damn bad, hitchhikers welcome, GOOD FOLLOWS BAD, ALWAYS.) She did email back. Said some really really nice things about "don't underestimate yourself.. but just work on that confidence because I think you have a ton to offer." Damn. That changed me, honestly. What'd Mr. Twain say? "I can live for two months on a good compliment." Hell to the yeah.

Sorry, kinda, to share this personal crap. To me though, it's the story of life. The more things change, the more change is coming.

Today is flip day. It's tomorrow I change, put on clean undies. May the changes in your life bring you joy, wonderment, smiles and laughter. As an aside, I did email the Professor lady back, she's cool.. who knows. At least there'd be 27% chance we'd make it if we got hitched. HA. Love, Victurd.

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