Monday, October 30, 2017

Take me to your leader..........

What makes a good leader?

I ain't real sure, so.. I went to that K thru 12, BS, MBA, PHD hop over replacement, Google:

1. Clarity. "There is no question of their vision and what needs to be accomplished."

2. Decisiveness. "Once they have made up their mind, they don't hesitate to commit, it's all hands on deck. "Great consistency with their decisions."

3. Courage. "Boldness is both something you can develop something that is blessed as a virtue."

4. Passion. "There's nothing more inspirational than seeing someone who cares about what they do - the best leaders exhibit boundlss energy and passion for what they do. As long as you are passionate about what you know, or care about, it will shine through and people will follow."

5. Humility. While confidence is a very attractive trait in leaders, there's nothing like a humble character for creating a lovable persona. Great leaders admit when they are wrong and take criticism as an opportunity for growth. Show the world how grateful you are to be where you are."

Forbes takes it a bit further: Earn the respect of the Team. "“Having the ability to show respect, empathy, and care to those that follow you, are all attributed to being a great leader. Earning respect is crucial to a successful relationship with someone, while also showing that you care about their work or ideas."

They also say "Know the Team." "Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of every individual to effectively manage the outcome of a team is imperative for success."

And... Know that people are the Key to Success: “A great leader understands that it is the people they lead that ultimately determines the success or failure of any venture."

And................ Push people. (WAIT, there's more to that!) Push people TO BE THEIR BEST. Many companies forget to add those last four words, ha. "Great leaders have clarity of purpose and are great at articulating their beliefs. I aspire to be the kind of leader that pushes people to be the very best they can be but still make people feel safe because it starts with the heart."

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"The most powerful leadership tool you have: your own example." John Wooden.

"As the workplace evolves to become more trustworthy, transparent, ETHICAL, collaborative and mindful of its employee needs – leaders must be equally diligent to earn respect from their colleagues. Being the leader doesn’t mean that you have earned respect. Too many leaders take their titles and authority for granted. Some leaders believe that they are owed and/or command some level of (unearned) respect just because of where they are positioned on the organizational chart. Today’s workplace – highly influenced by millennials and embedded with people that have trouble trusting others – requires proof of performance before respect is earned. As such, leaders must reset their state of mind and become more responsible with their actions and accountable for the effect their influence has on their employees and the organization as a whole." Forbes (again)

"Today’s uncertain workplace requires leaders to pay close attention to others. Leaders must be active and attentive listeners, practice patience, appreciate the unique talents and capabilities of their colleagues, and be noticeably grateful for the effort and performance of their teams." Forbes again and again.

I know this blog has maybe bored you, all good. Method to madness.

Eh, maybe you can find VIC in VindICtive. There's a rumor afloat a company that recently terminated a certain blogger is following his (her? ha) every move. Figured they might as well learn something while they're here. Love, Victurd.

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