Friday, April 22, 2011

Today is a gift, tomorrow is a blessing...

Alarm goes off... first thing thru brain “DO I HAVETA?”... (for the 427th time, I write to me, hitchhikers welcome) No, I getta get up..

I bathe my bod, I find clean clothes, I roll. I pull into gas station, feller with funny accent, vely nice. Greets me so well. Thankful, and I appreciate that.
Large coffee, bagga Planters Salted peanuts, today's newspaper.

Funny – not so much, daily, the paper relates 3, count 'em 3 pages of folks that were here the day before, but they ain't now. It saddens me to read the obits, and probably gruesome that I do - but I don't ever wanna face the embarrassment of “so how's ole so-and-so” and learn of the demise.. .so yes, I read the obits..

The Dish tonight for three. NO VICTOR, surely NOT YOU?.. yeah me. Buddy'a mine, just returned from one year of service around Somalia. After a one hour discussion with him – I learned: African folks are some of the nicest folks there are. “They've had nothing, they're used to nothing.. anything we can give them, help them with, they're SO appreciative.”

I also learned their average life expectancy is around 49 years.

So.......... compare alla the above to: I gots no woman. My car has (close your ears) 235,000 miles on it.. My roof leaks.. I owe more on my house than it's worth.. I did the elliptical for 30 minutes two days ago, and my calf muscles and I are no longer on speaking terms.


Like: “Get over it.” Life is different in that how it awakens you. Perspective looms large. Thankfulness varies soooooooooo much.

An early Happy Easter to each... let the woes go, and count your blessings, take pictures with your eyes... and please choose smile over frown. Lord knows I try to.. .sometimes I fail, but I try. (I do whistle quite nicely though thankyouverymuch)...

Hoppy Easturd, love Victurd.

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