Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Elementary School Sign... Monthly Character trait...

I live a block anda half from a snotnose (said lovingly) local Elementary school... On their bulletin board out front – for young'ns to see as mom or dad drops them off, or as they hop off the yellow bus: THIS MONTH'S CHARACTER TRAIT.

Cool, and good idea. And I'm certain the teachers are encouraged to prepare/include/guide kiddos, incorporating this trait into their lesson plans...

First one I saw: Trustworthiness... (Editor's note.. Use caution when marrying a Catholic gal, I don't think they do these character trait monthly thingys @ Catholic Grade Schools.) A good plan to attempt to teach this, but who knows the internal fortitude of another. That, or hell, they ain't paying attention.. or... the noise from Johnny sharpening his pencil for the 7th time this day wipes out all possible learning. A difficult character trait to ascertain, learn, absorb, deomonstrate - thus, divorces, lies, deceit will happen,10, fitteen, 25, 30, 40 years down the road.

Second: Responsibility.. Well sure.. Mom/dad, for the earliest part of one's life, do for you.. As one ages, more and more, tasks, chores, cleanliness, doing for self.. No, this ain't “look at me mom, I can swing all by myself”... it's more.. helping mom set table.. helping pa raking.. assisting in loading groceries in the car.. Changing the diaper of younger sister Thumbelina.

Honesty... Scroll to Trustworthiness... Same diff.. The dog ate my homework.. I didn't shoot no rubber band at Frankie (Timmy, two negatives make a positive, albeit negative)... You can try, but there's no way in hell to ingrain honesty into someone for life. My take, doesn't have to be yours.

Courage.. Oh, likes this one. Different things worry us all in mustering up the courage to do. Sure, speaking in front of class.. for others, could be PE class.. getting on/off school bus.. the inability (or want not to say infronta others) “I don't understand this (whatever subject one is studying).”

Respect... Tell 'em Aretha.. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.. find out what it means to me.. Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me) Whoa, babe (just a little bit)

Kindness.. Another good one.. You can try.. You can 'laud' when you see it happening.. but then again.. there are just some snotnoses that are cutout for nothing more than taking your bills at the drive thru, them handing you the food, you smiling, saying “THANK YOU”.. and they just hand the money back, no facial expression, no, “you're welcome”.. This trait escapes a certain percent, and it's seemingly a lifelong defect. Most are very good, some go hella aggravatingly overboard – but again, some just “don't get it.”

I got SOOOO perked tonight as I drove home and read...”This month's character trait” SENSE OF HUMOR............. NO WAY! Please tell me you're jesting?!!! I LOVE it!.. We've advanced, awakened...

Back in my day... “Sullen” was vogue in the classroom. You didn't dare have fun. Most teachers in my era had no resemblance of anything even close to I Dream of Jeannie..(Close your ears).. most, very homely.. and if you did anything to cross them, their glare/stare “cut like a knife.” If one persisted, to the office you went where the bespectacled principal awaited holding a very thick yardstick awaiting introduction to the hiney of your patched up Wranglers.

HUMOR? IN SCHOOL? Farm out America, we're waking up. YES (provided you don't go overboard, lose respect..) it's ok to laugh at/with another. IT'S OK (provided you got the courage to recover from) laugh at one's self. Laughter is an emotional balancing mechanism. Today, thankfully, it's considered a visual expression of happiness – or an inward feeling of joy.

A joke. Being tickled (within reason).. a very pleasant sensation.

Funny, how we develop (or don't) character traits over the years. Sure, schools help.. but so do parents.. friends.. later: coworkers, bosses..

That about wraps it up. Sorry there ain't no ending humor. (Imagine those teachers sitting at home, lesson planning.. “now just howinthehell am I gonna mix humor into tomorrow's work?”.. I love that they have that task.. .that our school district understands the importance of laughter.)

Happy weekend... and I hope it entails some humor... love, Victurd.

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