Monday, January 31, 2011

Old Man Winter………. please take a hike…….

Old Man Winter………. please take a hike…….
Oh but the seasons, I do all like

Freezing rain today – why Lord why?
Slide on roads, no matter the ply…..

Foota snow tomorrow,
Geez, such sorrow…….

Florida sounds nice, would ease my fears,
but.. just saw a friend, been there 5 years…
Her face, don’t shoot me, looked like that of a croc,
Darnit, drats, I’ll just stay here Doc….

Born here, raised here, bonified Midwest.
Annually though, a sincere great test..

I’d give anything to have a Van Winkle…
Long, long sleep, after a real good tinkle…

Set the phone to silence, ne’er a ring…..
Off to sleep, jualah, it’s Spring.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray not awakened by some humorous creep,
and if I die before I wake,
at least I’ve skipped winter, for Heaven’s sake…

Slip sliding away, today's word.
Have a great one, love Victurd

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