Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sticky notes and life....

It's my desire of course, that I'm thought of in goodness – but, I admittedly slip a tad in cleanliness. Allover my cubicle, desk, computer monitor – I have sticky note reminders for this, that, upcoming, “don't forget”, on such-n-sucha date.... Have admittedly saved me some embarrassing moments if I were to have forgotten this/or that about a Military member's shipment (and it's timeliness)...

Life's all about reminders.. The guy that delivers mail at our work. Smile a MILE wide – all the time. Christmas time. He was back, for the second time – walking from his vehicle to our door, arms extended all the way below his waist – packages from his fingertips all the way up to his infectious smile. “The hell's wrong with you,” I asked... “It's Christmas time, you're a letter carrier, you CAN'T be happy?”... Grin got even wider... “OH NOOOOO... I LOVE CHRISTMAS! It's a choice!”.. . His sticky note, when he awakens, assuredly says something along the lines of “God's given me another, help make it great!”... and he does...

A not so great sticky note this morning.... Learned of the passing last night of our beloved Sigma Nu brother Mark Middleton. Taken way too young by cancer... He's in Heaven (absolutely wonderful) and he's no longer in pain, very thankfully.

I read his wife's Caring Bridge post to share this – wow, what a remarkable lady... and as I read it, (and the notes to the family in the Guestbook) I was literally brought to tears.. PPPPLEASE!!!! NOOOOO!!!! SAY IT AIN'T SO!!! I've missed so many years of his life! I wanna talk to him, I wanna shake his hand again, I'd love to share a beer, or a Pepsi again... I'd love to talk to him on the phone... sit in the same golf cart... tease unmercifully back and forth again like the good ole days... See his quick, HUMONGOUS (and also infectious) smile again.....

Hi-rickety was our Sigma Nu song... In the Caring Bridge Guestbook this morning, one of our Brothers wrote “I believe there was a loud “Hi Rickety” for Brother P (part of his nickname) at the pearly gates...”.. The song included “and at the Gates we meet Saint Pete, and he's a Sigma Nu...”

Mark Middleton – rest in peace my friend. I loveya and your zest for life. I hope one day we're reunited...

Please remember, I write to me. Hitchhikers welcome. Victor, please allow this not-so-great sticky note news to make you immerse yourself in smile with whatever time you're afforded here. Please remember, each and every day of your life – along the way, things aren't always going to go in the direction you desire. Folks won't always respond/react how you'd like them to. That's Ok – remember to remember the good.

When you open your eyes and look out, you have a choice as to what you see and how it goes through your brain. Choose happy, smile, positive as Mark and the USPS guy have.. If you come across those frustrating moments life throws at you, don't “hit back”, choose your words wisely... take a deep breath and allow the right thing to come out of your mouth (or sometimes even simply nothing at all)....

Treasure time, for we don't know the ultimate time-table we're on – that's not in our hands – but every remaining waking moment is. Victor, I suggest on your sticky note you write something along the lines of “Life, and how we live it, is a choice. Time too, is precious, use it wisely.” In Sigma Nu Honor, and in loving memory of Mark Middleton.

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