Sunday, April 21, 2019

If only....

If only:

We could put time in a bottle.

We had tails.  I watched a short video this morning of a man who had dreamed all his life about having a dachshund..  Christmas evening, his wife brought him a box with a lid... he popped it off, and yep, there it was, a dachshund pup.   He picked the pup up, it crawled up his body so it could lick his face - and the pup's tail was wagging the entire time.  Happy.  It was real happy.  We all could learn from dogs.  If only we had tails to let our friends, loved ones know how we genuinely feel about them.  I reckon we have to have alternative means.

We.....ok, many.. spend the vast majority of our lives trying to be rich.  If only.. if only, we could recognize we already are.

If only, daily when we awaken - we could tell ourselves first thing "ya know, this could be my last day here - ever."  I think it would lend to many more texts, phone calls, visits to tell those we love, just that.  The hair wouldn't raise on our arms.  "What's important?" would take on an entire new meaning. Life could be Kodachrome, they'd give us those nice bright colors, the greens of summer, make us think all the world is a sunny day,

I want a parrot.  If only.  I want a parrot of great wisdom to perch upon my shoulder.  I would name her Alexa, but she'd be proactive insteada reactive - as in, "Victor, think twice, you're about to screw up." Or, "Victor, think about it.. is this really worth getting all bent outta shape about?" (Would come in very handy for us old farts who drive at night, in the rain, snow, ice.."You've got food in the fridge -get ur butt home NOW.")

If only we could wipe out hesitation of saying certain things.  Good things.  Why hesitate to say "You've been my friend for over 50 years, God I love you."  Or, "You REALLY look nice today."  Or, "Just know, I admire (this, that) about you, you should be proud." (Conversely, when we're prompted to say "You idiot", we wouldn't.  Scroll to Alexa above.)

If only.. If only we had a 'pause button.'  "Hold that thought, I gottta pee."  "Don't move, I wanna take a picture."  "THIS moment makes me very, very happy.  I wanna freeze it, and remember it for as long as I can."

If only.. life came with a rewind button.  Could back it up, erase blurts that hurt.  On a personal note, mebbe change some "I do's" to "Let me think on it, baby baby let me think on it.. I''ll give you answer in the morning."  Rewind, holler at Ned Yost, "Damnit, pinch run Gore or the game is OVER." Rewind for sharts.  Sorry, pun mebbe intended but I was 'running' outta things, but, you gotta admit, rewind would be good for sharts too.

The ability to zoom in, as well as scroll thru.  Alexa could help with this too - but  FOCUS, focus on the yummy.  Scroll thru the ick.. Zoom in on what's really happy, what really matters.

If only.. if only blog readers had the wherewithal (or an Alexa parrot) to say "Victor, wrap it up."

OK, will, if only you'll have a Happy Easter...

Love, Victurd

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