Wednesday, April 10, 2019

I love life, but.....

not when I sneeze.
Love nature too, but not April Freeze...

Can someone explain, pretty pretty please....
Where we came up with the saying "bee's knees"?

You cannot write a poem using the same word to rhyme twice...
Bosh, keyboard breath, watch me, I'll do it with ease...
I like animals, neighbors, fun, laughter, all things nice.......
Doors held, "hi, hello, howareya, thank you" and "PLEASE."

What did you do?  Google words that rhyme with 'ease'?
I did, I did, go ahead and say it, I know ya wanna,,,  "geez"...

Where'd we go wrong - the day and age of sleaze.......
Makes one wanna getup and gone, "the hell are my keys?"

Love lakes, rivers, oceans... oaks, elms, walnuts, virtually any kind of trees...
A hand held, a compliment, sunshine, rain, along with gentle breeze...

Utter shock when I step on the scale, I've GOT to be siamese...
Must be the penchant for Fritos, and burgers with cheeze..

Some love travel, Venice, Cancun, learning Burmese...
Familiarity perks me, creature of habit, here, I likes what I sees...

I coulda used other places, Delhi, China, Bahamas, anywhere overseas (like Belize)...
Gimme Main Street, Mill Street, DQ, Franklin School, in spitea the traffic, ahhh, memories..

Not really a fan of appease, fleas, displease, disease, pleas and unease...
Home cookin', family banter, pass the biscuits please...

Give me Liberty, then give me death, freedom to do is spiffy, don't care if none agrees..
Retirement's the bomb, cept for clipping toenails, expanding waistline, bout ready for Z's....

Come, take my keyboard, have a good sieze....
Death and taxes, yes...but good blogs?  No guarantees.

Victor you're a weirdo, what with your ABC's...
Geez, how'd you reach that, you, your conferees?

Time to go, silly attempt at journalese...
What'd you expect? Expertise?

By Henry Gibson and Miguel de Cervantes,
Love, Victurdeze

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