Thursday, October 04, 2018

I'll have a blue Christmas without you...........

Victor, women come and go in your life faster'n a pair'a shoes in Imelda Marcos's closet.. the hell you talking about? Without who?

Ain't taking about 'a who', I'm talking about "SE grin". Huh? Southeastern Grin? Ahm, no, not quite. You know, the sly one. That look when you see a friend from long ago, a kajillion fun memories bounce all around your brain - and you both reflect with a SE grin. We needs that. We got lost along the way.

I'm proud to be an American too Lee Greenwood, but now, more than ever, do we need SE grins.

There's a little joint I occasionally go to. From day one since she started, I've admired this little waitress gal's SE grin. It's like a tonic, an elixir, a fixer, a "take all this crap that's going on in America and stick it, I choose happy," ie, SE grin. Hoping not to offend this little gal, one day I finally told her "You've got the best SE grin I've ever seen." So, what'd I get? I got the best SE grin I've ever seen.

My cousins and I, long, long ago - used to watch Oral Robert's 30 minute black and white TV show on Sunday mornings. We'd giggle when ole' Oral would put his hands on someone's head, he'd shout "HEAL!".. the astonished parishioner would shake, rattle and roll.. and HEAL they did, presto. We needs that now Oral - howabout a big ole' group hug, you wrap your arms around us, shout "HEAL" and we'll all comply with the biggest damn (sorry, dang) SE grin you ever saw? That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I likes it.

I come to this damn (sorry, dang) computer - and I wanna spread happy like creamy peanut butter - but my brain goes directly to more government, less government, confirm, not confirm, fake news, witch hunt, libtards, loser, misogynist, racist, nutjob, zealot, extremist, obstructionist, fanatic, idiot, blowhard, loon, moron, hypocrite, scum, elitist, troll, shill, crony, hack, lemming.. AACCCCKKKK! STOP!!!! PLEASE!!!!

All together now... 1... 2... 3... SE GRIN! YES! YES! YES!

And NO, I don't mean "Blue Christmas" to refer to either damn side.. I mean it as sad - blue.

My two year old granddaughter Bella has no idea about politics, life, Medicare, SS, yada - but ohhhh baby she can wing that smile, grin to put things right, back in place, faster'n a ten piece jigsaw puzzle. Heal. SE grin. Yum.

We ain't been fun - and fun keeps us as friends.. makes us feel good.. livens the pep in our step.

FUN? I'll have no part of that. Yeah yeah, I realize there are those who never wanna have fun. Ugh. Eh, not much we can do there - but the rest of us can shower the universe with SE grins. TAKE THAT CNN. YOU TOO FOX. We're wearin' our SE grins and there ain't nuttin' you can do to wipe it offa our face.

SE grins equates to able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.. to, to, to, to Austin Powers "YEAH BABY!".. It's putting the lime in the coconut and drinking it all up..

She put the lime in the coconut, she called the doctor, woke him up
And said, Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take
I say, doctor, to relieve this bellyache?
I say, doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take
I say, doctor, to relieve this bellyache?

Doc says "You put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em both together
Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better
Put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both up
Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning" CAUSE YOU'LL HAVE A BIG OLE SE GRIN!

Life, as an old fart, I'm finding, is trying enough just trying to remain upright. Who among us ain't got one leg stuck putting on the undies in the morning and hopped two counties before you finally got the other leg thru? Who else don't have fingernails left the week before the dadgum SS check comes? We're hella past the "upward mobility" stage - we just wanna remain upright! Ya ever wake up at 2am thinking "oh crap, did I really write that during a FB argument about.. about.. hell I forget what it was about.." I have. Sadly. Sorry. Kinda. Mostly.

SE Grins even make our wrinkled ole face somehow look better. We need 'em. Superman, put that cape on. Oral get your hands out. Go to Piggly Wiggly, buy a lime and a coconut. Austin, we'll cue you as to when. Courtney (that's the waitress chick with the world's best SE grin) you lead us.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and SE Grins for all. (Oh, lighten up.. no one gets mad and "O'er the land of the free, and the home of the CHIEFS!")

YEAH BABY! SE Grins.. We'll have a blue Christmas without you.....

Love, Victurd

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