Sunday, September 16, 2018

Are you positive?

Uh huh, many meanings to that question...

I read the news today oh boy... but, are you positive it was real?

Well.. 'tis kinda a topsy turvy time.. For years, the humongous headlines of the National Enquirer jumped out atya in the line to pay at the Piggly Wiggly, daring, luring you to "Pick Me!" Now, pray tell, they've admitted to covering up dirt, and it's the sensationalism day of the regular ole regular major networks causing us to ask, "are you positive?"

This'n (this blog) is more about "Are you positive?" I looked up the kinda positive I intended, and it took Merriam Webster 7 tries before they got to the one I wanted: "Having a good effect, favorable, a positive role model. Marked by optimism.

Oh hell, watch him now, this Joel Olsteen wanna be... (From an old 'Advice from a Farmer': "The best sermons are lived, not preached.")

NO NO NO, that ain't me, or at least it ain't my intent... honest!

I simply want to go thru stuff, life, and pick out the positive.. Ahm, Victor, ain't that kinda what life should be all about? YES, YES, YES!

"Barn's burnt down. Now I can see the moon." Mizuta Masahide

That... that's what I'm talking about, looking for, digging thru (sometimes shoveling) to find.. Good.

Article today in the KC Star about the KU running back Pooka Williams. (Victor, you're off the deep end today, you 'abhor' KU.. Well, I am a diehard MU fan, but agin', we're looking for positive here, and today it was this guy, and his dad Anthony.) Yesterday he became the first KU freshman running back (ever) to rush for over 100 yards in each of his first two games. When Pooka was 9, there was a lawn mower accident which severed all five toes off his right foot. Per his dad, "They told me he'd never play football again. They told me never. Since then, we've been going forward, supporting him. I'd give my last breath if I have to." Ifn's that ain't positive, I don't recognize it any more I guess. Very very cool, my book anyways.

Yes Victor, and this is becoming to be a book - do tell, what else positive did you see?

I thought you'd never ask. Ever hear of Ronald Claiborne? Sounds familiar.. Well, he's a longtime weekend news anchor on Good Morning America.. The mans exudes positive. I ain't never seen him without smile, professionalism, accuracy. There is an air of calmess when he's on the screen, certain it carries over into his life. He treats people, and the news, positively, as they should be. Today was his last day - he's retiring, and his colleagues gave him a wonderful, fitting, deserved send-off. His comments, not surprisingly, were few - simply gracious. He did say, "long ago, a cameraman told me 'simply do your best and try do good' and I've tried to live by that in my career." You have, you did Ron, thanks!

Ok, good Victor, but carry on, I've got CNN to watch, then I'll follow with Fox's take on the same...

Snickerfrits! OK. First, I read a few sport's page articles.. Of course there ain't enough room on page 1 for the entire article usually, so they key you in on what page to turn to. So, I goes to page 4, and herein is my next thought. Hail to the writers who 'grabya', make you anxiously turn to the continuation page, you anxiously fold the paper to expose the remainder of the article (and you ain't gotta hold the whole damn newspaper, however many inches that it.) The grip. The grip of a good story, be it a newspaper, a novel, yada. To me, that's a positive - and thanks to all the gifted writers that feed us those good stories.

Are you positive about that Victor? If so, gimme an example.

Dick Vermeil. Nifty, nifty article on him this morning. Along the side column of page 1, "continued on page 7", so, I gets to page 7 and "hell yeah" the article take up THE ENTIRE PAGE. (Anudder gripping, well written article!) I fold up the paper so I get page 6 the hell outta the way, and sink into the article. The ole football coach (now 82 and in super tip top shape) began bottling wine in 1999. He's 10 years into it as a full fledged business, and he approaches it with the same energy he used in coaching. Noting Vermeil's infectious enthusiasm, Carl Peterson relates "This is a marvelous sense of purpose for him.. as he travels the country doing wine tastings, there's so much energy there, I analogize it to that he's coaching again." He relates he's probably given away more wine than he's sold.

Vermeil (continued).. He has an instinct for good people. He's hired the two of the top two wine guys in the world, "The Tom Bradys of winemaking." He scurries about in the warehouse, in the fields.."You're getting stronger Marcelino, you're getting stronger" he tells a man who has worked here for 35 years as he hoists 40-lb boxes and hurries to get on to the next. When Vermeil was doing his St. Louis Ram stint, he told backup QB Kurt Warner "There's something about you I like, and I can't wait to find out what it is." This conversation took place one day before starting QB Trent Green was injured.. Warner, against the advice of many, was given the reins by Vermeil. The rest is (Super Bowl) history. "It's all about surrounding yourself with good people and hard working people, and not about being embarrassed to say "I love you." I suggest Mr. Vermeil wonderfully 'reeks' of "are you positive?"

I slip, I fall, I pout, I decorate pity parties occasionally - but I contstantly remind myself to choose the positive things in life.

The "Old Farmer" capsulizes it so much better than I:

"Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around..
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense."

Happy sappy day,
Love, Victurd

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