Sunday, October 07, 2018

Sit 'n Spin............

(To confirm or not confirm whether [or not] to hit the publish button, I intend to first run an FBI investigation [Foolhearted Bullcrap Inside] to ascertain if this is, or is not, foolhearted bullcrap inside. Thanks.)

Remember the toy? Youngsters barely able to string together 5 or 6 words, sit, spin - and eventually stand up... then they are immediately jettisoned diagonally at a 45 degree angle for the nearest wall, sofa, coffee table, TV, older brother/sister, hound, cat, yada. It's fun, at the kid's expense. We should be ashamed, but then again, our parents spun us unmercifully, leggo, and laughed at similar results. So, I reckon I vote, fling 'em. They'll survive. We did.

Life, to me, is like Sit 'n Spin. I awaken daily, in bed.. lay on my back.. consternate. The hell do I do today? Whatintheheck day is it? Have I slept the normal 6 hours, or, have I just been here for 2 and 1/2 hours (that's bah'aah'aah'aahd) and I needta count more sheep. Have I overslept and I need to get my butt up now? Regardless, which of the three, I must pee. So, I get up, and I'm immediately jettisoned diagonally at a 45 degree angle - and it's on me to make my way to the toilet.

Once the hour is ciphered, the pee is complete, the stool has been flushed, and my (thin walled apartment) neighbors have been awakened at this horrendously insane hour - I head to the easy chair for more Sit 'n Spin.

Sit 'n Spin - in the form of the remote. Hulu is hella nice. It affords me to spin thru "Recent Channels", "Favorites", "All Channels", "News", "Sports", yada. It's usually ABC, followed by - no, not DEF - but by CNN (Bite me, it's a free country still, I think) and then the Golf Channel.

I watch the local news. Breaking news, a shooting in KC. Is this Ground Hog's Day I Sit 'n Spin and contemplate? The Weather follows, so I can soon Sit 'n Spin thru my closet to find apropos dress. Traffic. Many cars, Sit 'n Spin, mess up rush hour. Sports, the up/down, Sit 'n Spin of living in a small market..then again, looking around and thinking of what it would be like to live in Boise, Idaho, I'm thankful for this Kansas City Sit 'n Spin.

Facebook. Oh hell. The very definition of Sit 'n Spin. Quite the mixture of "holy crap did he/she really post that? I can't like that, my 90-something Aunt and Uncle are on here."... Did 'that one' just post another thingy about how half the country are idiots? (No matter, Repub, Dem, they seem to Sit 'n Spin in anger.)

Victor. You just read a wonderful post from your great nephew, explaining (astutely) to all of us how it ain't worth it to lose friends over Political goodies, and how we should instead devote our time and attention into relationships. Does that wanna make you want to duct tape your fingers together so you won't participate?

I sat, or, well, Sit 'n Spin'ed on that one a moment - and yes, it does make one want to stop and think... but then I see a video of "The Greatest" walking up the stairs to AF1 and he's got toilet paper stuck to his shoe - and forgive me Father, I Sat 'n Spun, but I couldn't resist being a smartass. Sorry, kinda.

And then anudder.. announcing we should all get over it, move past, be a better person, he's been confirmed. I sat, I spun (90 MPH) and I typed what I thought. Sorry great nephew, I have SpINNED. I have the same size keyboard as most, but mebbe a mouth that's twice as big as most. If I see wrong (at least, wrong, perceived by me) I don't have to Sit 'n Spin very long before I am immediately jettisoned at a 45 degree angle to reply. Sorry, again, kinda.

Thankfully, inbetween those Dem/Repub postings - there is music, jokes, pics of grandkids, puppies doing incredible things, cats looking at you with that 'be for real' look... religious posts.. all kinda other stuff to Sit 'n Spin thru without having to take an extra BP pill.

Sit 'n Spin, to me, is a wonderful thing in life. It's running things in life by our own self, then responding, reacting (or not), as me/you/I. Not just Facebook.. it's all worldly things. Our morals, or lackthereof, are formed while Sitting 'n Spinning. Our Faith in God is dependent upon us staying seated, true, to that Sit 'n Spin.

Sometimes we error.

Sometimes we remain silent.

Sometimes we speak up, hell to the yeah.

Sometimes we place toddlers on Sit 'n Spins and fling 'em into siblings, tables, easy chairs.

Retirement, I am finding, is all about Sit 'n Spin. Nah, I don't wanna do that. I know the apartment needs cleaned...tomorrow. NAP TIME!.. I think I'll take a drive. Victor, where to? Wherever in the hell I wanna, I'm retired. It's Rush Hour, but I don't care - I'm thinkin' I'll maybe drive to the BP, jump in line infronta the snotnose that's gotta be at work in 10 minutes and all he wants is $5 on pump #4, and I'll buy like 17 different kinds of scatch off tickets. Then, I'll move over on the counter, scratch 'em all off, and jump back in line infronta the next snotnose that has to be at work in 5 minutes, I'll cash in the ones I won on, then mebbe buy me 5 more. I'm thoroughly enjoying this Sit 'n Spin retirement.

I've gotta pee. Oops, sorry, I think I mentioned that.

Just got he FBI report back (Foolhearted Bullcrap Inside) and it's been confirmed, yes, there is Foolhearted Bullcrap Inside. I sat. I spun. I'm headed, immediately, diagonally, at a 45 degree angle to the "Publish" button. Sorry, kinda.

Editor's note. Do not, repeat, DO NOT, go to the Urban Definition of Sit 'n Spin.

Slip sliding away.. or, Sitting 'n Spinning away,
Love, Victurd

(You pervert, you looked any way didn't you?!!)

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