Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Ya got me going in circles...........

I'm an ever rollin' wheel, without a destination real...

I'm an ever spinning top, whirling around till I drop...

Oh, but what am I to do, my mind is in a whirlpool......

You got me going in circles, oh oh around and around I go.

I'm spun out over........... ahm, finding a topic.

A very nice friend (probably inebriated, jk) suggested I should submit somea this junk to a newspaper.

So... I sats myself down.. pictured me, in a team of horses, dude up on the stagecoach with a whip, screaming "WRITE DAMNIT, WRITE!"

And that's a hard thing when there ain't nuttin' on the brain. I thought about writing simply about thinking. When you're a kid, there ain't no time to think. You go, do, mostly free will, and then you collapse into bed at the enda the day.

As a bustling parent, you go (to work), you do ('cause ya haveta), you come home, you do s'more, and s'more.. then you collapse into bed. Ain't no sunshine.. no that ain't it.. Ain't no time to think. Bills to pay, clothes to wash, food to cook. Oh, ya might find a moment to think "why doesn't anyone say THANKS?".. but that won't help things.

Then, flash.. allofasudden you're an old fart. You got nuttin' but time. You lucky ones, gots someone to bounce ideas off of. If you're even lucky enough to have a really good relationship, you sometimes might bounce an idea, and then hear "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard." When there ain't no one to bounce ideas offa - you say, do, think - stupid things, unbridled.

Circle came to mind. I thought about continually driving around our oldtime Square downtown. You'd have to be "Liberty" to understand, but there ain'tno stopsigns, yet, people stop at every damn turn. The speed limit is 15 I think, yet, people drive 6. "Look at that old building over there Gertrude!" You notice the Johnson County tags (close your ears, my take, mostly uppity) and you kinda wanna drive your less than $5K vehicle into their bumper with "Oh, excuse me." I didn't, don't, but been tempted. Then, even without having a mate, I was able to tell myself "Victor, that's a friggin' Square, it ain't no circle, that's the stupidest idea I've ever heard." So, I trudge on.

Life is, though, my take, kinda a circle. You're a kid. You go, do, stupid. Then there's that middle part where you're forced to be responsible, No time left for you, No time, no time, no time, no time..
No no no time, no no time, no time, no time
I got, got, got, got no time..
I got, got, got, got no time for you..

Then, presto, you're an old fart. You got nuttin' but time. Once again you're a kid. You go, do, stupid. Now that's a circle.

George Carlin says the weather forecast is light, turning to dark, turning to light. Circle.

Nature, and the fancy 12 month calendar they giveya free every year (circle) at Nelle Belle's café tellsya we start out cold, get wet, things grow, leaves happen, get green, damned hot, we get wet again, frost/pumpkins happen, leaves turn burnt orange, leaves fall off, then it gets damn cold again. Circle.

Ya leave home plate with the expressed intent to go to first, then second, third, to get back to home, right where you started. Circle, kinda, if you run fast enough.

You're born, can't walk.. stand, albeit gingerly, walk, fall, walk, fall.. eventually run. You do that run crap for another fitty/sixty years, then, you walk, fall, walk, fall, stand, albeit gingerly, fall, then you can't walk. A circle.

"It's the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, 'till we find our place, on the path unwinding." Elton John....... I ain't really sure how to take Elton though. On the one hand, he's 71, has two children under the age of ten (that ain't the regular ole regular circle).. then, on the other hand, who among us, once the pitter patter of little feet outgrew it's cuteness, didn't think about "Honey, I'm leaving now, going on tour, I'll see you in three years."

Life is packed with circles. Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters. Clocks, wheels, boobies, PIZZA. The moon, the sun, gonads. You didn't? Yes, sorry, I did. Ha, stick that one in the newspaper! Rings, zero, smiley faces, frowny faces.

OK, I'm done. Gone full circle, sorry, kinda.

Tune in tomorrow, same damn Bat-blog.. same damn circle "whatinthehell do I write about today (newspaper editor)."

I might formally introduce my invention. Nailtures. Huh? Yeah, we gots dentures for old farts.. No more cause for alarm, dental visits, Novocain shots, costly bills. I am going to invent nailtures. Once you go through the one-time pain of having all your damn toenails pulled off/out, they're replaced with shiny nailtures. I, at present, am pretty good at clipping the toenails of the big toe, and the one next to it. Older I get, the more my belly becomes rounder, the more trouble I have clipping toes 3, 4 and 5. By the time I finally do get to the 5th one, it's usually, of course, turned under, making it even harder. Fortunate though as I know some in 'our age group' and beyond that can't clip their toenails. Whatever you do, don't think about "how do they wipe their butt then?" It's a vicious circle. "Ahm, Mr Schultze, we'd prefer that you NEVER submit an article again to our newspaper." Ahm, OK.

Ride a painted pony let the spinnin' wheel spin. Ya got me going in circles.......

Love, Victurd

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