Monday, October 15, 2018

That’s a joke son…

I say, I say, that’s a joke son.

Laughter is a feel good, I don’t care how ugly I am when I look in the mirror. Psychology Today tells us it just might be the most contagious of all emotional experiences.

“Can boost the immune system, relax muscles, aid circulation (hear that fellow geezers?), and protect against heart disease. Abets mental health, lowers anxiety, releases tension, improves mood, fosters resilience. Enriches our social experience, helps defuse conflict, and allows us to successfully operate as a team.”

I happen to have what I call a ‘dumb laugh’.. low pitched, nuttin’ special, but it’s me - what I’m stuck with.

My two year old granddaughter, like all two year olds, loves to climb things - but maybe unlike some, when she gets to the top of wherever - she laughs (and laughs) aloud, for no specific reason, very aloud, eyes meeting her wrinkled papa Vic - and it very quickly becomes heaven on earth to me - and I think to her.

Ron Cottingham and I, while both Bluejay at heart - are on different teams as November, and eventually 2020 roll forward. Upon occasion, someone will post an ‘anti the other side’ thing, with no deep ill will toward the other side - light, fun, a baby dig - and he will do the laughter smiley face thing and add “this is the type of humor Johnny Carson used to use, I miss that” even though the dig was pointed at his team. (Allows us to successfully operate as a team.)

I saw, maybe five minutes of a roast of Bruce Willis. It wasn’t on a major network, thus, no FCC intervention. It was, to me anyways, repugnant. Sure, I’ve had plenty of “wash your mouth out with soap” moments - but go ahead and color me old fashion.. I see no need for frequent F bombs, “knives” inserted into guts, and then twisted.

I turned left, sorry. The point I’d like to get across (TO ME, and to all of us) is - we all need humor and I wandered off into berating ‘yucky humor’. Sorry, kinda..we do need, VERY MUCH, humor - but like fresh water, to me, it’s gotta be filtered.

“An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh.” Tom Nansbury

I miss goofy stuff - like the list of 15 observed reasons the lady got in a letter from WallyWorld indicating why her hubby was being banned from the store, sure you've seen it. Among the 15 things, he’d hid in clothes racks and voiced “Pick me, pick me!”.. Looked into the Security camera and picked his nose. Darted around store humming the ‘Mission Impossible’ theme. Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people’s carts when they weren’t looking. And the straw that broke camel’s back - he went into the fitting room, shut the door and yelled very loudly “Hey, somebody! I need some toilet paper in here!”

I read that joke (all the way thru) every time I see it - and after reading it, laughing, I ain’t got anxiety any more, no tension, I’m in a better mood, and while there’s no way to measure, I’m certain it’s improved my circulation too, ha.

Laughter, we need it, I say, I say. “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” Phyllis Diller

Caught in a political argument? (Been there, high blood pressured that.) Might I suggest next time - insteada scouring Snopes, “yeah but” copy and pasting crap to counter, or name calling, or unfollowing, blocking, yada - post something like the following to maybe change the mood, get ridda the anxiety, release the tension, be in a better mood… suggestions like:

I’m horny. Or,

Someone farted. Or,

What’s the best soap on the market to get out skid marks? Or,

Has anyone ever tried saying “Unique New York” ten times, REALLY FAST?

I suggest we all get naked, then continue this argument.

I’m glad you left the toilet lid up.

It was my fault my head hit your elbow.

Has anyone noticed how attractive I am in the dark?

“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.” Dr. Seuss.

“I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing.” Dr. Madan Kataria….

So, let’s wing a joke today..or laugh at one. We won’t shoot our eye out, we won’t go blind, we will not put Will Robinson in danger.

Climb something in your house - laugh, VERY loud, for no reason.

Life’s a joke son, I say I say.. If we let it be.

Love, Victurd

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