Friday, December 19, 2014

Slow music....

I think we like all speeds of life. Fast, the lefthand lane of I-70. Medium, when so lucky traversing our crowded 152. Slow, as in Richfield Road.. A Highway... a trip around the Square on Farmer's market day.

Someone recently asked "What song/music make you wanna get up and dance?" Easy answer for me.. "Shout" by The Isley Brothers. We, to me, are way comfortable in our own skin, but something like a song like that changes us in a heartbeat. Lotsa heartbeats - out of the shell we go. Like nobody's watching comes to fruition.

I enjoy The Mall - watching so many different ages, faces, body types - a melting pot - on "78 speed" for you fellow old-timers. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Go, go, go. Followed closely by "damn am I tired - I didn't realize shopping was so much work."

A sporting event where you fear to take your eyes away in case the play of the game is missed. Taut muscles. Open eyelids. Edge'a the seat stuff. Grandkids to the park, whew!

Family - ah, the perfect medium speed. Pass the mashed potatoes please. One "eye" on the conversation - the other on the tots running amuck. Sitting down in that comfy chair that mosta the time sits empty. The comfort level affords never being afraid to talk. A nice, loving pace.

Still, I like slow. A float trip with no rapids. Sitting, staring at a lake, the ocean, a river. Working 'easy' to get that heartbeat down to a minimal level. Yum.

Slow music. It speeds thinking, but in a way one doesn't feel rushed. "Seeing" with the eyes closed. The mind can go 'like 60' thinking about The Mall, the ballgame, the tots running amuck, the family, the meal, the conversation, the traffic, the "to do's", the "done dids" - all, sent down the funnel to complete relaxation.

Happens to be even yummier if one to enjoy it with. And if not, still so very nice.. I think I'll actually use this ottoman, I never do.

Where "Shout" gives us kind of an out of body experience - slow music gives us the time to be thankful for all the paces that have been in front of us - all of the life we're living/just lived. No car horns, no physical exertion, no crowd of people watching (other than our minds), no hustle bustle - just slow. Peaceful. Wonderful.

I do like all paces, and am thankful for each - but slow music is like wine for the soul. If I were to fall asleep in slow music - I could only be so lucky.

I write to me, for me, hitchhikers welcome. I love you slow music, thanks.

Love, Victurd

1 comment:

Lainieb317 said...

"Hitchin' a ride" with you on this one. Being able to slow down gives you a different perspective for sure. You can breathe...