Monday, March 21, 2011

I get knocked down...

I really don't talk much, cept here. Much better at observing than opening mouth, inserting foot – but, certain I do that here upon frequent occasion, and yes, with keyboard (sorry). I peeked on the Internet for a song that speaks to up/down... this one came up. Words aren't perfect – but I REALLY like the “I get knocked down, but I get up again” refrain.

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Of observations in the real world, friends, relatives, neighbors, loved ones, on Facebook, – we all seemingly get knocked down – and seemingly with fairly frequent regularity.

Wishing the night away
Wishing the night away
He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:
"Oh Danny Boy
Danny Boy
Danny Boy..."
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down

Emotions run the gamut... Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, and parts therein. Incense(d) and peppermint mighta worked, but don't think that was the gist of the song. I love (hate) those that are ALWAYS even keeled – as you just KNOW there's gotta be times their tummy is churning. Same, perhaps said for those who wear heart on sleeve – frequently addressing the ups/downs of their life.

Wishing the night away
Wishing the night away
He drinks a whisky drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him
Of the better times:
"Don't cry for me
Next door neighbour..."

You witness, observe someone in “mid snap” and u really feel for them... Wish you could reach out from wherever you are, to wherever they are and give 'em a reassuring hug. Not always possible. What is possible, and generally probable, is that things will get better, situation will be righted, and all will be fairly AOK soon. We ALL get knocked down – some with more frequency, some more easily – some for only minutes – some, unfortunately, for much, much longer.

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never going to keep me down
We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing

So... the lyrics have ended, howthehell do we wrap this all up? I'm (what I say in my emails at work) “just the Line Haul Dummy” - but my take is.. .down happens... to us all..

I have no great answers.. other than “good generally follows”... Perhaps when down happens – we should strike out in the real world to see/find good.

I dropped my granddaughter's momma off at WalMart the other day.. stayed in car whilst she shopped for clothes/groceries.. As I observed folks parking, walking in, leaving, putting up carts, etc... I thought to myself “hummm.. mebbe blog material?” and I couldn't put it all together.

What I did note, after all the vehicles – ranging from $500 to $50,000 came went, the thin people, not so thin, in a hurry, leisurely, very old, very young, inbetween...

One thing stood out.. Ok, actually two.. An elderly couple, probably late 70's, holding hands as they made the trek from the Greeter to their car - the walk was an admited struggle, but they enjoyed it. Very cool. Certain, they'd gotten knocked down along the way, they were up again.

And... leaving WalMart... traversing Interstate from one side of our town to the other.. A young couple, backpacks, early 30's – most probably without home, a roof over their heads, holding hands as they walked across the bridge over Interstate. Many would call that “knocked down”... They seemingly viewed it as “I get up again.”.

Of course I abhor getting knocked down.......... who doesn't. Seeing those in much more difficult situations than I sheepishly “slaps me” to “I get up again”...

We all get knocked down, let's get up again. Love, Victurd.

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