Thursday, January 01, 2009

Jesus loves the little children.. or, 2009 fastforward...

A new year...

Ushered in completely sober for the second time in three years… Strangely, it’s a lot more fun that way… There were half as many people, and half as many cars on the road… Tweren’t half bad….

The “check engine” effect bee-bopped in roughly an hour or so into the New Year as son pronounced “dad… the stool is acting up”… Overflowing, then not filling.. “Ok son, I’ll peek at it in the morning..” Was that proper grammar? I always get ‘effect’ and ‘affect’ confused.. Thus far, hAsN’t EfFeCtEd Me.

Just a reminder, I spose, there’s gonna be good chit, and bad chit, no matta the year…

Newspaper agog with stories about “how 2009 has GOT to be a better year.”

I dunno.. Even if one heads up the summit, slips and falls back to the bottom.. He/she has still taken in the views from the time spent “up there.”… To me, with time, love deepens.. For family, friends, animals… convictions grow stronger.. “getting it” comes easier…

The half full glass tells us, “that first half tasted pretty yummy.”

No matter what the Dow indicates, Greenspan says, Bush or Obama do… no matter the Roman numerals accompanying the year… there are always marvels out there to remind us “life is pretty fucking (sorry, for impact purpose only) good.”

There will always be little kids with their exuberance for life, new things. Old people will happen.. They’ll struggle.. But in that struggle one can witness the joy and glee of “just still being here… doing… going.”

Cats will always never come when you call ‘em. Dogs will for’er act as if you’ve just returned from the Bahamas after you get the mail. Funny people will be funny.. Boring people will make you snooze.. Mean people will make you say (inwardly) “geez.. Too bad for them… there’s so much wonder out here.. They just can’t (or don’t allow themselves to) see it.”

I read the news today oh boy….. (Speakinowhich…. The Beatles.. Whilst only half here, will always be here.)

And in the news.. Deaths… reminder enough how precious time is…

Hell yeah stories: 88 year old lady, naked 50-something intruder into her home.. Grabbed his testicles and yanked.. He fled.. Hell yeah!… Guy comes into rob a commercial establishment.. Employee leads him back to “where the money is” only to stop midway at the pressure washer.. Turned and doused the robber.. He fled… Then, checkenginelight happened… The dude who sprayed him, a hero, had an old warrant out for his arrest - ended up in the pokey…

There’s always good… There’s always great… There’s always mundane… There’s always yucky.. Yes, some years, mebbe more (or less) than others…

Life, it be a teeter totter. Sometimes folks will let you down, like the old school chum who thought it was funny to jump off the teeter when you at the highest point. Crashing down we come, with a thud.. Hurts.. Then we get back up and one day teeter again. The titillation is worth the risk. Teetering is fun, even though we know the possibility exists it could all come crashing down.

I don’t think I’m going to make a “2009 New Years Resolution” list this year. I’m setting one goal, hopeful to fulfill… and if other goodies happen, way cool.

I want to observe, learn from, and interact with kids more this year. I ain’t real sure how I’ll do it, but I’m gonna. For starters, Saturday I referee 1st and 2nd little league basketball with my best friend in life, Sanford.

Kids know no prejudice. When we adults see someone do something they shouldn’t oughta be doing, we suck our thoughts in.. whereas kids say “HEY.. You’re NOT supposed to do that!”.. Kids always live with the glass half full… Kids ‘move’ and don’t care who’s watching and what they think. Kids can be goofy, charming, and do and say things that make your heart melt.

I guess this could be compared with turning the damn hourglass back over before time runs out. Becoming a kid again, if thru nothing other than osmosis. Regaining the good heart we all had “back in the day.” A world of innocence, not preconceived notions/judgments.

Going now. Might go play catch. Might catch “The Simpsons”:.. Might watch “Ralphie” before all the decorations come down.. Might skip.. Might go hug a family member.

It’s gonna be a good year. I’m kidding, and I’m not. Love, Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It doesn't have to look a certain way.

Just do it.