Sunday, February 20, 2022

"I have to go to........".. "NO... you GET to go..."

A friend posted similar the other day and I wanted to run and hug her because it's truly how I've TRIED to live life. Emphasis on the try to.

Sure, things get mundane, but, stir 'em up, add a splash of hope, and yum, they can be spectacular!

"I've got to take my daughter to soccer practice."  NO, you GET to take your daughter to soccer practice.

"I've got to go to my son's little league tournament ALL weekend." NO, you GET to go to your son's little league tournament ALL weekend." 

"I've got to run by and check on my mom right after work."  NO,  you GET to run by and check on your mom right after work."  Victor, we get the drift.

"I've got to go to the dentist next Tuesday."  OK, maybe get to doesn't always fit, grant you that. Ya never know though... could be that cute, new dental hygienist.. remember?  Last time you about swallowed your partial when you saw her!

You too, along life's yellow brick road, can be a pain in the ass just like me reminding folks "No, you GET to....." on stuff.  I jest, but not really.  I think all too often we put our bodies on auto-pilot, which is fine and dandy if like, you gotta go pee or poop, sorry, kinda, it's a life thing.  I much prefer shutting the damn auto-pilot off... tbcnp (to be continued, next paragraph.)

I have a buddy.  I hate (LOVE) him because he ALWAYS has fun.  You've probably seen the meme, "pick friends who make simple things like going to the gas station to fill up your car, fun." That's him.  If he sees this, he'll probably get it tattooed on his butt or something, somewhere.   Anyways, when he gets an idea, he hums (and I know I'm gonna butcher the spelling, the sound of it, but hopefully you get the idea..) he hums the first line or two of "Off We Go Into The Wild Blue Yonder"..."nnnnght ta daaaa. nnnta daaa dddaaa daa dddoooooddaaaa nnnnnnght ta daaa, dada da daaaa".  It's the acrylic paint version of "I GET to" insteada the mundane, lull me to sleep GOT to.  Hell to the yeah.

Bottomline, a good time. He makes a good time.

I know, I know, I know.. there are those who simply wanna crawl up in a ball, stay the hell away from anyone, silence, THAT is their idea of a good time.  When I wrote that, in the back of my mind I saw a boss I had 40-some years ago.  Not fair, because he's a truly good guy - but, he no likey little children.  We were in sales for an airline, so, we had to fly.  A lot.  Never failed, he'd get 37B, and in 36C there was a 2 year old.  Crying. Hollering. Laughing. Maybe trying to hand my boss over what remains of his cupcake. Talking a decimal or eight over norm.  He no likey.  He furrow eyebrow - the whole trip.  tbcnp

Now, place my"nnnnght ta daaaa. nnnta daaa dddaaa daa dddoooooddaaaa nnnnnnght ta daaa, dada da daaaa" buddy in 37B and I can just see him, looking at said 36C toddler with his eyes crossed... picking his nose.. sticking his thumb on his nose, flipping his four fingers.  Looking at the toddler, turning his head in a millesecond when the kid catches his eyes, and back again, and turning again... shaking his head yes.. shaking his head no..  he'd have fun.  He'd have "I GET to take this whole flight with this little guy" insteada "I've GOT to take this whole flight with this brat."  I love perspective in Art, and it's really really cool in real life too.

Good times.  What makes good times?   Walking one foot infronta the other 'cause ya gotta? Or, taking a relaxing stroll, eyes wide open, letting Mother Nature, God, friends, family, good times take their course? Uh huh.

Victor?  Yes?  Are you SOMEBODY?  Do you think you be a po' man's Joel Olsteen and it's your job to tell us how to live?  Again, borrowing one of my favorite sayings of my stepson, "Not no's, but hells no's".   i don't.  Honest. I simply try to observe life, the creatures within, and then mimic the ones that seem to have fun. Snoopy, versus the Red Baron.  Tim Conway, insteada Ed Sullivan.  Steve Martin, insteada Ferris Buehler's teacher.   Marvelous vs mundane.

A drive to nowhere, can be... point A to point B.  Or, it can be "Did you see that architecture.. little old man holding that little old lady's hand.. how green that guy's damn lawn is... those yoga pants!... I counted seven, SEVEN twirly birds all at once in the air..  MY FAVORITE SONG!... ohhhhh seeing that reminds me of good ole (enter loved friend from the past here.)" You tell 'em Joel, I'll pat ma' foot.  KMA, hehe.

Of course there's a time and a place for rolling up in a ball get the hell away from me.  Of course there are times, places where we've GOT to go.  But, (Victor, for the 37th time, you can't start a sentence with "But"..  OK, how's this (tbcnp)

"Nnnnght ta daaaa. nnnta daaa dddaaa daa dddoooooddaaaa nnnnnnght ta daaa, dada da daaaa" BUT, when there is no predicated doom and gloom to wherever it is you're going, I certainly vote for my friend's GET to take on life.

I've got to to go to breakfast now.  I know, I did it on purpose.  I get to go.  Besides, one never knows when yoga pants could be in the future.  Forgive me Father, I'm single, and, (VICTOR!)

Thank you for choosing Mundane Airlines Sir..  you will be seated in 37B.  I know it's not a window seat, but try to have fun. (My buddy, let's call him Mike, for all you Kansas Citians..) Mike's got this.

By Henry Gibson.   Forward by Ace Farnsworth, School of Aerobatics Instructor

Love, Victurd

Editor's note:  My "nnnnght ta daaaa. nnnta daaa dddaaa daa dddoooooddaaaa nnnnnnght ta daaa, dada da daaaa" buddy?  He lived that dream.  He's been a devoted, wonderful pilot for Life Flight for over 30 years.  Nice.

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