Tuesday, February 01, 2022

A guide for whatintheheck to do at home when snow threatens travel for days.....

Done the Piggly Wiggly thing, so fridge, pantry should keep me until Valentine's Day at least..  Car gas tank full, ain't sure why I did that 'cause I don't plan on going anywheres... Front left tire kinda low.. shoulda put air in it... but, there's a four year old can of Fix-a-Flat on toppa fridge... it's all good (and, thus, the answer to whyinthehell I never answered the post "If I stole what's on toppa your fridge, what would I get?")

I Googled "Things to do when you will be coupled up due to snow."  An honest mistake. I MEANT to write "COOPED UP" but I misspelled 'coop' and it autocorrected to COUPLEd up. So, whilst we're here, might as well take a look:

1. Make a movie night

Well, a movie night is probably a favorite activity for couples on a cold day. And of course, it is, because it is very relaxing and intimate. You just need some cozy blankets, popcorns and favorite movies. Ask your girlfriend to watch her favorite movies, choose a movie theme or simply watch some latest Netflix movie.

*SINGLE'S VERSION:   "A good activity.  Relax you inanimate object.  Blankets. Popcorn.  Six-pack.  Easy chair (reclining preferred.)  Stare at movie, then belly, then movie, then belly, promise yourself you'll go to the gym if they ever get all the damn snow/ice off the roads.

2. Build a blanket fort

Winter and cold days are the perfect time to be a kid together! Call over your girlfriend and build a blanket fort together! Gather all the couch cushions you got, throw pillows, blankets, and plushier and hide inside your fortress. Enjoy being hidden with your loved one, and once you’re finished with being cozy and lazy, start a pillow fight!

SINGLE's VERSION:  It won't take as many blankets, pillows. Never show remorse, consider the positive, you can fart any damn time you please and sure, Wednesday's undies are just fine for Thursday too.

3. Play in the snow

Playing in the snow with your girlfriend is among the funniest things to do on a cold day. You can have a snowball fight, push each other in snow or build a snowman together. That’s a great way to be a kid again, share some stories and laugh. And when you feel like you’re freezing, visit a local pub to warm up with a hot chocolate.

SINGLE's VERSION:    Nope.  ME-TV.  Andy Griffith.  Carol Burnett. Gunsmoke. The Waltons.  Green Acres is the place to be.

4. Make a grown-up hot chocolate

Drinking hot chocolate is many people’s favorite ways to warm up during cold winter days. But instead of drinking an ordinary hot chocolate, make grown-up chocolate with your girlfriend. Trust us, a mug of hot chocolate with bourbon is much better. You can also add some Irish liquor, chocolate chips, marshmallows or whatever your girlfriend likes.

SINGLE's VERSION. Whothehell has the time, patience, clean teaspoons to measure, mix hot chocolate?  Pot of coffee, add Bailey's.  Repeat.

5. Make a pizza … naked

This one is great…if you’re home alone. Cooking something with your girlfriend is always fun, but why not making it sexy? Since you’re inside where it’s warm, and the oven is on, it’s going to be hotter than usual. Suggest your girlfriend to make a pizza shirtless and in nice lingerie instead of sweaters with Santa and deer motives. End the night eating chocolate-dipped strawberries, and make spice up the whole atmosphere. 

SINGLE's VERSION.  While they can be difficult to find, they do make pizzas for the microwave.  First, go get the 8" by 12" mirror from the bedroom, place it atop the microwave. Even being naked is ok because looking in the mirror will offer ZERO incentive for any thought of amour. (Extra pepperoni atop suggested)

6. Enjoy a seductive spa at home

Many couples like to spend time on swimming pools, on the beach or at spa centers. Since it’s cold outside, and it’s time for winter activities, you may be missing those things. But, you can enjoy much better stuff on cold days. Make a romantic spa night at home for your girlfriend! It’s easy! Just light a few candles, grab your favorite scented oils and give each other massages. When finished, jump in the shower together and get cleaned up, or relax in the bathtub. Play some nice music and have a glass of wine. Pure relaxation and romance.

SINGLE's VERSION:    Wednesday.  Go to youtube, play anything classic rock besides Paradise By The DashBoard Light. Shower, wash hair.  Thursday, grab cologne (no shower needed), spray pits and privates, won't need a clean towel.  Friday.  Repeat Wednesday schedule if you feel a shower is an absolute necessary.

7. Have a romantic dinner

You don’t have to walk outside and freeze all the way to a restaurant to have a romantic date. Why not have a romantic dinner at your home? A candlelit dinner in a romantic setting would be a nice way to save money, too! You and your couple can enjoy a more private atmosphere, drinking wine by the fireplace or eat your favorite pasta with the candlelight. What can be better than a cozy romantic dinner?

SINGLE's VERSION:  Save the candles in case the electricity goes out.  Stouffer's Meat Lovers Lasagna takes 6 minutes in the microwave.  Your favorite pasta, by the space heater with a cooler of six beers. What can be better?

8. Have a game night 

Whether it’s snowing outside, or just unbearable cold, ask your girlfriend to have a game night! Turn on your Xbox, PS4 or PC and play games for 2 players.  And if your girlfriend isn’t a fan of video games, consider playing some board game. But, if you want to take it to the next level, and you’re over 21, make the night even more fun by turning your old board games into fun drinking games.

SINGLE's VERSION...  Sudoku on your Android phone because you're too cheap to buy an iPhone. Add beer to make it into a fun drinking game.

Try to enjoy the next few days, weather you like it or not.

Love, Victurd

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