Saturday, February 20, 2021

Read between the shit.

Honest, I'm harmless - but I know too that intro will run off a certain percentage of folks, and that's ok, they be the ones missing out on fun!

Through this quarantine, Facebook has basically been my 'mate.' (Don't worry, soon, I promise I'm getting a cat.)  Life every morning, I head for the john.  If I've been very ambitious the night before, all I gotta do is hit the switch on the coffee.  If I ain't been ambitious, then it depends on how bad I gotta pee if I make coffee pre or post tinkling. I love sharing my life with you!

Anyways, this morning as I was reading, I came to "NOOOOOOOOO, I don't wanna read, hear, see that crap!"... Poof, she be on snooze for 30 days!  Then some good stuff..  Then, music, I need music. So, I plays me some music whilst I read. I pick one song, then youtube reads my mind and plays similar songs after my song is done.

Where was I?  Oh yeah, upset.  Ugly.  I hates reading me some ugly on Facebook.  Too bad there ain't a Fabreeze button up there next to the bell and message button.  Point is, I want HAPPY.  What was infronta me wasn't happy. So.............  I went thru my friends list, picked a few stellar folks that are ALWAYS happy, and below I report a synopsis of their happy postings:

Family.  Friends.  Gatherings, smiling.  A sporting team that all, in general, support. Fun jokes that don't take pot shots, or, if they do, probably deserved the she pot-shotee will laugh too.

Music.  Much.  Pets.  Pictures of pets.  Videos of pets. Birthday greetings that are creative.  Sure, Happy Birthday is good, but...but... but.. howabout... howabout..  a  pic with a guy standing on an 'X', six feet away from a urinal and the card is entitled 
"aim to have a good birthday."  Much funner, happier.

A picture of a lady and her hound. She was brushing him and he burped. That's fun. A cartoonish post stating "Make Facebook Fun Again!"  YES!   And it had diddies like "no nice.. .stop namecalling..  the golden rule works..  post only helpful things..  share pics of your kids and family."  Uh huh, that.  Thanks.  An MLK quote.  All MLK quotes rock.  A post about "you never know" the impact you may have on one... never know how much someone needed that hug.. Basically, don't wait for someone to be kind first.  Yep, that's happy.

A reminder chocolate is vital for our survival.  Dinosaurs didn't have chocolate and look what happened to them.  (Serious stuff).. 

A positive quote.  Pics of family.  Especially pics of 'little family' ones.  Grey hair old ladies in robes dancing.  A fundraiser for a hound rescue effort.  Vivid colors.  A YouTube video of a song when we were young punks. Grandkid pics, working on a project.  A nifty Christmas story about a pretty tough time, winter that turned out well and made the memory, the holiday, all the more remarkable and enjoyable.

Friends, unprompted, complimenting friends.  Happy this-holiday, that-holiday, every-holiday, have-a-happy - posts.

Three youtube videos in a row with songs that associate winter with happy.  S'more bucks donated to a fundraiser for hounds. A Bernie snowman.  Aw come on, both sides can love on that! A hound pic. A picture of a squirrel drenched with snow, on hind legs.. stating "Winter sucks, it's going to take til July to thaw out my nuts!"  A pet video.  Two youtubes that make you want to say "screw sub-zero temps, let's dance!".

A long joke lovingly pigeon holed for a friend that we can all enjoy. Happy happy, smiling picture of an admired relative that's since gone..  A cartoon of a weather forecaster (close your ears) stating "It's been mostly shitty today and tonight will be even shittier. There's a 90% chance tomorrow will be shitty and the long range forecast is shitty, real shitty, and total shit. (This lady is fun.  Her 'shit's are what jelly is to peanut butter.)  Which reminds me.  During a Chief's game, you can always tell when Mahomes has been intercepted as her post is simply "shit, shit, shit, shit, shit."  (I once asked her if like "Shit Shit Shit" will show up on her memories from like 3 years ago, "Yes!"  I love her.

A post wishing everyone a Happy National Drink Wine Day.  A picture of this person's ADORABLE almost two-year old daughter.  Trust me, the eyeballs would meltya.  A saying "Kindness is like snow, it never fails to add beauty to what it covers."  A reminder it's only 130 days until summer.   A picture of said adorable almost two year old a couple minutes after tearing into a jar of Nutella. A picture standing next to a lifesize Mahomes bobblehead.

A one panel pic of toilet paper entitled "My TP has scallops! Does yours?" Pic of four (smiley) friends gathered about table, drink and meal, wishing for a quick return to same. A pic of a young man and his git-fiddle entitled "all growed up and playing the blues, SO proud of you!"  A pic of the wonder of God's handiwork with snow, ice on a window pane.  A video of some horses tromping around (for the very first time) in a foot of snow.  You'd haveta see it.  A Far Side cartoon of a chicken and an egg laying in bed.  The egg has his (her?) arms over his (her?) head, a very happy smile, cig hanging outta the mouth and the chicken saying "Well, I guess that settles that old argument."

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, to summerize those disgustingly happy folks.. They post pics of family.  Of friends.  They say good things to people.  They give money to pets.  They show pics of pets.  They tell jokes.  They like music.  They like to dance. They make fun of the weather, and friends, but done so lovingly.  Kid and grandkids loom large, and popular.

Shit is ok. Shit, to us old folks, is funny like fart is to a child.  Oh some will turn their head in disgust, but most of us, it's good.  Good shit so to speak. Holidays are popular.  Old folks are good.  Self deprication comes naturally to these happy people.

If only we could see in their medicine cabinets as to why they really are happy!

So................... thanks.  Thanks to them. I was reading.  I was bummed. I wasn't happy. I wanted to see things from happy people's shoes.  I feel better.  Much better. (Tune in tomorrow where we may learn why the chicken crossed the road!).. I love me some happy folks.

Good shit.

Love, Victurd, pun mebbe intended.

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